*Chapter 4 Part 2* Another death

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POV: Max

We where running for a while trying to get to Anna's house as soon as possible to try help her, we kept trying to call her but she wasent picking up, we aventully got to her house, pat ran up to the door as he reolised it was locked. Me and jake went to the window and my eyes widend as I see the shi standing right infront of Anna as she dashed for a huge!

Pov: Anna (a few minutes before they arive)

Anna was siting on her sofa cureld up as she was looking through pictures of her and Jenny as she cried. "I miss you Jenny..." she said as she continued to look through photos. "I missed you to..." said a voice,  Anna gasps as she drops the photos on the floor, she looks up. "J-jenny" Anna cries as she dashes to huge her. "Y-your back I'm so happy your back" she says. "How are you ba-" Anna gets cut off as her head goes clean off her body as the beast devours it.

Pov: Max

I was baning on the window as I watched the beast stair at me as I heard a voice in my head "Times running out... youll be mine soon enough..." it echos through my head as I watch the beast lower its head and bit Anna's head clean off. "NOOO!!!" I yell as the 3rd mark aprars, w-wait it's gonna come after us next... "GUYS RUN!!!" I yell as we run to the forest and 20 minutes later we arive at an abandoned wear house and seak shelter inside. "What do we do?!?" I ask "boy why you asking me?!?" Askes pat. "We just gotta survive right?" Says Jake.

"They can move 10x faster then us and are 100x stronger!!!" Says pat. "So is Max" says jake as they both turn and look at me. " Wha- o‐k fine... anyways it has weaknesses, its head and it can't take anything holy such as a crusifix." I say. "Let's go pray to jesus then" says jake. "Lets go Rob the church" I say. "I like the 2nd idea more" says pat. "I was joking" says jake. "I wasent" says pat. "Alright guys lets go already we still got 2 hours to go and then some." I say

"Oh yeah a-" Pat trys to speak but I stop him and just give him a strong look, I signal my eyes and ears and point back towords where the monster was. Somehow I think they both understood I can't say anything or it will hear me. "Right the Church isn't that far away. We should get going" says pat. We travel through the town cerfully fetch, Pat and Jake following behind as we try be sneaky. "That's strange" says a deep and ominous voice in the distance as we aproched the church. "Crap!" I gasp as we leap onto a roof of a near by building. "For some reason I can't hear or see through you... how very odd..." says shi. "Guys go it's not to far know" I say.

As they are running off along with fetch I fell as though If time slows as shi dashes at me and I manage to jump out of the way. "I see your catching onto how to us my power, thats good..." says shi. "W-wha-" I stutter as I get punched into the wall and fall onto my neeze, pain pulses through my body as I struggle to get up, after a bit of struggle I get onto my feet. "W-why do you kill..." I mutter. "Wast of breath..." shi says as he picks me up and trows me, as i can hear the others scream, I crash into a tree and pass out

POV: Pat

"we made it!" I say as we burst into the church we look back as the door slowly closes a see shi picking up Max and running off. "SHIT!!!" I yell, "what do we do?" Askes jake, "we need something to fight that demon" I say as I aproch the preacts privite room and kick the door open. "Oy that not aloud!" Says jake, I look at them dumb founded. "Our friend has been kidnapped by a tall black figure with super everything and your worried about this?" I ask as I find  unlocked Cubert wich has a bunch of weapons. "Oh father you have sind" I say.

"Ohh can I have that crosbow?" Askes jake, "sure" I say as I grab some Holly water bottles a crusifix and a dager, along with a gun, and jake gets a crusifix and a dager to. "Right wete can we fins this demon?" Askes jake, I look at them "HOW WOULD I KNOW?! ITS NOT LIKE WE HAVE A COMPASS THAY POINTS TO THE NEARIST DEMON!!!" I yell at jake, "oh look a compass" they say picking up a silver compass, I slap my face and just give up. "Here fetch have this umm dager??" I say to fetch giving him a dager as he puts it in his mouth ready to kill.

"That is one strange dog" I say. "Right let's go and find our idiot friend who got captured, god usless." I complain, "that's rude" says jake, "he has super strenght and speed!!!" I argue. "Ok fair but like dude he's your friend like why so rude" jake asks I calm myself. "I'm just... huh annoyed he didint tell me sooner about shi and that shi is still hunting us all." I say. "That's fair, but you gotta remember he was horrified" jake argues in a calm tone. "Alright lets go already" I say as we follow the compass.

○○○To be continued...○○○

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