*Chapter 4 Part 4* Bonus!

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Dear diary...

it's is now been 2 years since the event happend and I'm know 17! Honisly this all feels like it was a bad dream. Well at least that's how I feel. Oh I never wrote about this alright so hears everything my that's been going on.

After the Banishing him I tried to find Ms Clover and i couldent find her, its like she vanished, her shop was also gone. I also adopted fetch and oh iv been reading the Book she left me. I'm making sure it's well hidden, the things in it are truly, well horrifying.

Right pat also had to serve some time as he was caught by the police cause the preast called the cops on him he serverd a month but its forever on his record. Oh right about my parents... it was hard explaining that death but I managed and I was put into an orphanage for 2 years, during thoughs years I worked hard and was able to get into a good collage out of States so now I'm here iv moved into my new dorm and I even met my roommates they are prity chill there names are Ryan and Kira.

Kira is prity cool and so is Ryan though he's more peaceful and the person you wana go to when you have a bad day, kira is the just do it kind. Oh right jake and pat are gonna apply for this collage next year so hopfully they get in! So iv been here for a few weeks and honestly  I still get lost this school is huge, everyone seems nice though and I like to go on walks with Fetch, they let me have him as he is trained.

I still have that necklace Ms Clover gave me, I want to find a way to fix it and I think I was ment to have it, I learned from the book it's a necklace that protects you from demons and spirits, how I'm not sure but in its current state all it can do is stop me from being posest or hypnotised and stuff like that, so it's prity cool oh it was made during the iron age, but the Rest of the page was torn out so I can't fins out more.

I haven't forgotten the past andwell the friends iv lost... and Ben, I have a picture frames of all of use... I think I'm gonna stay away from love, for know at least figure myself out and focus on school. This is gonna be a great year and I can't wait, hope to write again soon.

Signed Max

Note from author! oh that's me! :D

So I had fun writing this story, I came up with the concept a year or 2 ago and it's grown into something bigger I have many ideas for The cursed Strings.

I am a bit mad at myself however as it took me many months i think over a year to write this when in reality it should of only taken a month or 2 so for that I promise to improve!.

For thoughs wondering aka like 1 person XD. This is not the end of The Cursed Strings But it is the end Of Did you choose! So I hope you will join me in the next part of Max and his friends adventures!.

Author sighing off!

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