*Chapter 3 Part 5* escaping with consequences!

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Pov: Max

My entire body was in pain every cell in my body giving out as I sat up and tried to open my eyes. I could glimchely  see black, eventully I got my eyes open but I might aswell have kept them close as I was in a black room. I struggled for a few minutes to get up as pain was shooting true my body and my head was killing me. "H-hello?" I called out. But there was no response. I started to walk trying to find something anything.

I walked and walked till eventully I could see something that looked like a large stone piller in the distance. I started walking towords it and after what felt like forever I got to the piller. As I touched it, it fell into the flour and a pentagram started to form on the flour that was made from blood. "Ok I'm going crazy" I say to myself as I sit on the bloody pentagram. "HAHAHA" I hear laughter coming from nowhere and I can make out the voice  its shi. The pentagram begins to glow as the middle burns and shi apears from the fire.

I freeze in place as I'm basicly 3 feat tall while on the flour and he is 9. "I told you, you would regret doing that" he says smiling looking at me. "WHAT was his name Ben? Oh he tasted exquisite..." shi said laughing. Tears formed in my eyes as I rememebrd what happened... "WAKE UP!!!" I heard someone yell, my head shoots to the direction from which he the sound is coming from... wake up? "HAHAHA!!!" shi starts laughing. As my vision gets blury and everything starts spinning I feel like throwing up but I cant. I start seeing lights flashing in my face...

"Hes waking up!!!" I heard Anna's voice. "Be quite!" I heard pats voice. I began to open my eyes to see Anna, jake and pat standing over my bed and I could hear fetch and bowie to the side.  "W-where am I?" I asked confused as I tried to look around. "In hospital" said Pat. "W-wait so was it all a dream?..." I asked. Pat looked sad. "No... it all happend Ben realy diyed..." Pat said trying to be comforting. "Oh... what happend to me?" I asked. " shi thrown you and you bashed true some treese and onisly I'm suprized the only thing you broke I your right arm" said Jake. "I know why..." I said. "Oh right your are connected to it or well were and you would have the same strength and durability as it" said Pat. "Heh yeah..." I say sad...

"Hey its OK rest..." said jake. I tear up as I can't help but think of how we will never see our friends again... "the doctor should be here soon to check up on you, we made it and we're still alive max" said jake trying to be comforting. "Oh I see your awake know Max" said a doctor that just stupid into the room. Everyone moves to the side as the doctor examens me. "Say falling from the side of a small cliff and only having a broken arm is a miracle. Oh right iv contacted your parents and they said to send they will be here as soon as possible." Said the doctors. "How long have we been missing sir?" Asked Pat. "Roughly 3 and a half weeks. Where did you kids go?" Asked the doctor. "We got lost in a forest" said Pat.

"Oh right max I wosent able to contact your parents so one of your friends will have to drop you off" said the doctor. "So I'm being discharged" I asked. " as much as I don't want to let you go yet, there realy isint another option" said the doctor. "I'll drop him off" said Pat. "Good ill go get the papers" said the doctor leaving. "Is my bag here?" I asked. "Yeah" said Anna giving me my bag. I looked true it and found my phone, I plugged it in. "I can't belive it..." I said. "WHAT?" Asked jake. "Me made it" I said as I laughed with aome tears in my eyes. Everyone began to laugh and we shared a group hug. "It's over" I say. "Thank fucking God..." said Pat. The doctor came back and gave me the papers. I started to pack everything up as everyone began to leave accept Pat. Me and him just waited for his parents.

"WHAT you looking at?" Asked Pat. I was on my phone. "I'm looking at the group photo we took" I said. "Oh I see" said Pat. "Hey its not your fault." Said Pat. "What?" I question. "I know you rhink it's your fault that shi killed our friends because he wanted to fuse with you but it's not your fault he chose you or that we were there its prestons" said Pat. "Shi wait" I said looking at my arm the circle was gone. "It's realy over" I say released. "Yeah know come on my parents are here" Pat said. I took everything and put it in my bag. Pats parents where balling there eyes out happy to see him alive. I sat in the back with fetch along with bowie and pat. They dropped me off at my house and I waved them goodbye till they left.

I took a deep breath as I looked at my house. Fetch rubed agains my leg. "No... not yet" I say as I start walking away from my house. After an hour of walking true the cold night I arive at Ben's house. I stand outside the door trying to figure out what to say, without anything in mind I nock. I wait with fetch and after a minute the door opens and I see Bens mother. "Can I help you?" She asked. "U-um y-yeah its about your s-son" I stutter and have to hols back tears. "Son? I don't have a son" she says. My eyes widen as I star at her blankly. "W-what..." I question. "Kid are you feeling OK?" She asked. "Y-yeah h-have a good night" I say as I walk away and start heading home. "H-how is that possible... its not possible!!!. How could they forget there own child?!?" I talk to myself.

Fetch walks beside me as I rable on. "This is so messed up... It can't be possible. I..." I stop rambling as eventuly I get home. I open the door. "I-im home" I say out loud to no response... its so quiet this is weried... I walk upstairs and go towords my parents room I slowly open the door. I open it to see blood everywhere even on the walls. I see my dead decapitated parents body's on the bed. but the most horrifying thing I see is shi standing over there bed as he slowly turns his head and looks at me smiling wider then ever. "Thanks for freeing me..." he said laughing ad he vanished out the window... I stand there frozen from fear.

○○○To be continued...○○○

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