*Chapter 4 Part 1* dreading whats to come!

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POV: Max

I ran through the town with fetch followed me. I arived at the shoping mall as I calaps on a bench. I was sweating and holding my breath while all I could think is that it's not over I try think of a solution I panic and feel noshes not knowing what to do or think. I have to warn the others. I take out my phone, palms sweaty as I reolise I have no service. I take deep breaths as I try organise my thoughts.

"Think max what can I do. I need answers..." I say to myself as I look at the moll. "Wait... that old shop and that book it might be worth checking out. It might have answers..." I say to myself as I start looking around for a way to break in. I then notice a lader that goes to the roof but Its locked behind a door. I scail the door and clime the ladder to the top. I look into the distance, so much to see so little time. I go to the door and to my suprized it's open. I enter the shoping mall and reolise there's a security guard on the first flour which most likely means there's one looking at the cameras...

I prie the vents open and go into it. there large but dusty as hell. I crall and crall till eventully I look down and the the voodoo shop is right under my feet. I start to kick at the vent hatch and it crashes onto the flour cracking the flour. "Oh right super strength" I say to myself as I jump down and look around. "It's a 50 50 chance this book has what I need" I say. "And what do you need?" I hear a voice from the counter. I jump and look at the counter to see a shadow of an old lady. "I'm so sorry please don't call security" I say. Ms clover comes out of the shadows. "Oh I remember you! What business do you have with the book of Demons?" Asked Ms Clover. "I need it to save my friends..." I replied. "From what treat?" She asked as she aproched the glass of the case where the book is. "From shi" I replied. She gasped as she dropped the keys. "YOU SET HIM FREE?!?!" she yelled as she started waking me with a cain. "Aww why Aww are awwww you AWWW so ma- mad?" I say as I'm probably getting a concusion. "You set him free he is no longer bound by the rules he is free to kill anyone!" She yells. "How do I stop him" I ask.

She picks up the keys opens the case grabs the book and puts it on the front desk. "Banishing or killing are the only options" she says. "Hold your hand above it and say the name of the demon" she instructed. I do as she says. "Shi Itami" I say as the book glows and flings open onto a page all about shi itami. "Shi itami eats brains, that's why he consumes Its victomes heads I'm sure you noticed." said Ms clover. "Y-yeah I have..." I say as my arm glows and the cirl with 2 lines apears again. "I see 2 that leaves 3. Lissen young man you must stab shi in the head that's his only weak spot." She says. "WHAT about Banishing?" I ask. "That takes time you would have to keep him occupied" she says.

"We can try both" I say. "Alright it's 1am bring him to the park at 4am the Banishing circle will be ready by then." She says. "Ok I best get going I need to get to my friends before its to late" I say. "Wait try that amulet on" she says pointing at a red amulet which hangs above where the book was. "Um alright? I don't realy have time for this." I say as I pick up the amulet and put it on a little skeptical. The amulet glows bright as it aluminates the room and stopes after a few seconds. "Did I just get pasest or druged ?" I asked.

She laughed "dont be silly child go save your friends" she says. I nodded as I clime back true the vent. I get onto the roof and clime down the side where me and fetch start running towards pats house. "Pick up pat" I say as I'm trying to call him on his phone. Eventuly I just trow rocks at his window and he opens it. "WHAT are you doing hear and why is your hand glowing" he asks. "It's not over let... shi is still out there." I say  pats face goes pail. "Oh god... why did you come here though?" He asked. "I need your help to stop him!" I say. Without another word pat climes down from his window and we head towords jakes house.

"Oy jake clime out your window and meet us outside!" Pat yells into the phone then hangs up. We eventully get to jakes house. "Why am I out here?" They ask. "Better question why are you dressed like a hook-" Pat was saying as I coverd his mouth and he pushed my hand away. "shi is still hunting us and know that he's free he can kill yous whenever he wants" I say. "what?!?" Ask jake and pat. " lissen I have a plan we need to bring him to the park at 4pm sharp. Till then we have to either survive or distract him." I say.

"Ok sounds easy I guess..." says pat. "Hey max where did you get that amulet" asked jake. "A gift from a friend. Right let's go get Anna AHH..." I say as my arm stings and my arm says Anna will die... "crap we have to hurry!!!" I yell as we start running towards Anna's house.

○○○To be continued...○○○

The Cursed strings Vol1 (Did you choose?)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora