*Chapter 3 Part 2* The Boat to freedom!

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POV: Max

we got to the boat and reolised it was busted up and out of fuil so we decided to give up for the night and get some sleep. everyone was siting around the camp fire depressed and in silence. everyone ate some food and mostly chilled, Pat and jake were talking a bit.

jake had there camera as normal, Anna was sitting close to them just stairing into the fire. and Ben was siting at the lake. I decided to go over to Ben, as I sat Next to him. "what ya doing?" I asked. "thinking..." said Ben staring off at the lake. "so you Told us this thing want's to murge with you right?" said ben as I noded.

"so why does it wana murge with you?" asked Ben. "I don't know my guess is as good as anyones... maybe he will take my body so he can descise himself as a human." I say. "please never be calm again when you say that" said Ben. "alright!" I said as I nuge his shoulder.

"hey dude maybe we can hang out after this you know just me and you? once we escape this prizon" I said, why I said it I have no idea but I oqurdly looked at him as he turned and looked at me. "wha?!?" he said shocked "yeah id love to hang out just me and you!" said Ben exited

"you act like a child sometimes" I said. "OH SHUT UP!!!" said Ben nugging me. "guys lets get some sleep and work on the boat tomorrow" said Pat. "also can you 2 stop flurting for one FRICKING day?!?" said Pat as me and Ben blushed oqurdly. "w-we are not flurting!!!" I argued. "oh man I thought we where" said Ben. "WWWHHHAAAAA?!?" I yell blushing as Ben and Pat start laughing. 

"alright guys for real lets get some sleep" said Pat. we all went off to our Tents. I layed in mine still freaking out about what just happend, after a bit I manage to fall asleep with Fetch sleeping over my head. 

I woke up and looked at the time it was 3AM as I opened the Tent I noticed a thick fog everywhere. oh boy somethings up... I woke forword a bit as I look around, the fog was so thick I couldent see that much... but I could hear heavy Tudes in the distance... I walked towords them being cerful as I hide behind many trees. Eventually I could see shi, I duck behind a tree panicking... "your hiding ia futile" I could hear him say as it echoes true the forest. Naturally I don't wana be face to face with this demon so I stay behind the tree. "Why do you still try?" He asked as I was confused what he was referring to... "if you just let me merge with you your life qould be so much easier no more regret no more pain no more suffering..." he said I could tell he hasent moved as no loud tunes could be heard but was he serious! "I now all your regrets the things that make you sad the things that make you hurt... they will all be gone once you merge with me..." he said.

"You won't have to worrie about your parents either" he said. "It's not about that!!!" I yell I could tell he was suprized. "Then what is it about... "I don't wana become a monster like you! Sure everything will be gone but I don't want that!" I continue. "As shity as my life is its mine and I won't give it up to you!!!" I yell as I start running. " hehehehHAHAHAHAHA" I could hear it laughing... "this is why your the perfect host..." it said as I continued to run.

Perfect host? What does that mean how does anything I said or do make me the perfect host? I stoped questioning it as I got back to the camp. I go into my tent and calm myself till all of a sudden my arm stings as I look and on my arm it says. "Who do you choose?" What? What does this mean?

I ignore it and try to fall asleep, I swear falling asleep has just become an impossible thing qith everything going on. Eventuly I mange. I wake up to fetch licking me so I let him out as everyone is awake and has already made some food.

Anna handed me some food and I started eating it as I noticed my arm. This time it said "did you choose" I was confused but just continued eating. "Say what let's make a list of things we are gonna need for this boat." Said Anna. "Yeah well it is prity beat up so we do need some scraps of metal to fix it up." Said Pat. "Guys I seen a shead down that way" I said. "How we never went that way?" Questiond pat.

"Oh right well I woke up during the night and went for a walk and interacted qith shi but I did notice a shed behind him maybe th-" I was cut off. " YOU TALKED TO IT?!?" yelled jake. "Yeah it tried to convince me to merge with it. It said if I did all the pain from my life would be gone" I said.

Ben gave me a huge "glad you didn't cave in bro" he said. "C-can't b-b-breath" I manage to uter as ben let's me go. We decide to make a list of everything we need to do and we split up with jake, pat and Anna going to the shed while me and Ben worked on the boat and fixed it with the tools we had

Many hours pass. "Say we are getting close to getting this finished we just need the stuff from the others and we should be done by like 7pm." Said Ben. "Yeah though we did have to send them back for more scrap metal" I said. "I think we will be out of here in no time max" he said nuging my shoulder. "I hope so Ben I hope" I say as I give Ben a huge. He hugs me back as I feel my arm iching again. I look at it in horror. "Ben it is..." it said in bloody red.

○○○To be continued...○○○

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