*Chapter 1 Part 5* No Escape?

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*For what felt like an eternity of silence, eventually it ended with jake falling to the floor trying not to vomit from disgust. everyone is in a state of shock and horror.*

Ben: w-what happened??

Pat: I don't know but we should c-call the police...

Ben: I'll try...

*Ben tries to call the police to no avail as he notices there's no signal*

Ben: no signal what do we do...

Jenny: let's get out of here!!

Anne: I agree!!

Ben: wait how did he even die?!!

Anne: he was clearly torn apart and put on the campfire!!!

*max stares in silence debating what to say, debating if he should, his stress affecting his heartbeat making it sound like drums he was scared of being yelled at and deprived of confidence, he was scared of the corps. Fetch goes up to max and sits in front of him putting his head on Max's lap. it was strange but it distracted max giving him a sense of comfort, he pet the Fetch and controlled his breading as he became calmer *

Max: g-guys...

Ben: what?!!

Pat: Don't yell at him!!

Jake: shut up pat!!

Ben: shut up emo chi-

Max: SHUT UP!!!

*Max raises his voice stunning everyone as they gazed at him in surprise. he realizes what he did as his voice mumbles*

Max: w-we have t-to take his body with us...

Ben: Hmm.. fine he has a point we will take his body with us everyone pack up! I-Ill take care of the body.

*It's almost like a classroom with silence nothing but fidgeting. Ben gently puts the body in a sleeping back and closes it entirely using gloves, etc. everyone packs away mostly everything important*

Ben: alright let's leave this camp before 8PM everyone ready?

Max: yeah I fed Fetch and Bowie

Pat: I can tell fetch is by your side and bowie is on your shoulder, Trator!

*they all sit in the same seats with a sprinkle of discomfort with a slice of terror. Ben starts driving toward the exit. Anna and jenny hug in the back.*

Pat: Max?

Max: yeah?

Pat: I'm proud of you.

Max: Oh My God say it again!

Pat: nope not saying it ever again!

Max: yeah it's not appropriate to be happy...

Pat: yeah... but still I'm glad you spoke up your more sensible, well in certain cases

*Pat and max both turn on their seats to have their side against the seat and just look at each other, they mostly did this due to being tired*

Max: Thanks, Pat...

Pat: how are we going to explain this? and once everything dies down?... how will we prosses his death?

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