*Chapter 2 Part 2* mysterys of the box

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POV: Max

we approached the cabin, and the sun was covered in clouds in the sky. "alright we are here" said Ben. as he entered the cabin. "we will be safer in here you know. nothing can attack us from inside." said Jenny. "I guess," said Jake recording. "let's clean up we don't wanna be sleeping on dust," said Anna.

they began to clean. how can they be so calm?... are friend just died, and we are trapped in a dome. and that thing is gonna get us next... it's gonna kill us... I try to stay calm as I hold back tears. Fetch standing against me not leaving my side. Bowie looking from the distance. "I'm gonna get some air," I said walking out. I sat near the edge of what looked like a cliffside. Fetch sat next to me and Bowie too. I was glad I wasn't alone, but I knew she was just doing it for pets but I appreciated her company.

"Hey Max," said Anna from behind as she approached. "Hey" I replied. She sits next to me and looks out into the forests. "Say are you OK?" Asked Anna. "Not really" I replied. "Why?" She asked. "Dude we are literally stuck inside a dome in a forest!!!" I replied agitated. "Well at least we aren't dead," She said as my eyes soften. I just sit calmly.

I don't know how to tell them that there is a 9-foot monster hunting us. But I know I have to tell them. As I was lost in thought and nudged my shoulder "I'm sure we will survive even if we have to live here forever. We got the skills that pay the bills." She said making me smile hiding the pain behind my eyes.

"Well I'm gonna go finish helping cleaning and you enjoy the view!" She said as she stood up and left. I need to know more about this thing... I hesitate but I take the book from my handbag and start reading it trying to find a way to stop this thing. Cause the only thing I knew is that this creature is real and is hunting us...

I look at my hand to see that it has a cercal on it that's red. I need to cover it up, oh I might have my fingerless gloves. I looked true my handbag and found them. I put them on and they worked fine. They're more meant for workout but meh should be fine. I continue to read as I notice everyone even Pat leaving the shack. "Where are you guys going?" I ask a little confused. "We are going to go get stuff from the car down the mountain you know like food." Said, Ben. "Oh ok," I say. They ask if I want to come but I decline.

I proceed to go inside with fetch and Bowie following me. I look around to see the place pretty clean. I look at that weapon cabinet and notice what looks like a cross. no a crucifix inside of the cabinet! I prie the cabinet open with my hands as I proceed to grab the crucifix with my left hand. "Ah Mother F"cker!" I yell as I drop it. I processed to hear a separate voice scream in my head. It was that thing... I tried to keep it together and not break down. I picked the crucifix up but without touching it with my skin aka my fingers that are sticking out. I put it in my bag.

I soon notice that box on the ceiling beam again. " maybe I can try get it." I said while looking at Fetch who was standing next to a ladder. "cleaver boy" I say as I walk up to fetch and pet him as he wags his tail uncontrollably. I take the ladder, set it up, and climb up to get the box. I looked at it, it was more of a treasure chest but I grabbed it and claimed down putting the ladder back and sitting on the now clean floor. "Looks like it needs a key," I said to myself. I attempt to prie it open with no success. "Stupid thing!" I throw it at the floor with frustration, it bounces and lands as a piece of folded paper falls off the bottom of it. I took the paper and unfolded it my curiosity taking over.

I started to read the paper as I noticed there was some text on it. "Thoughs who seek freedom must first find themselves. The most impossible goals are the most rewarding." I read. Hmm, what's that meant to mean? I soon hear laughter as I notice everyone coming back. I quickly shove the small box chest thing into my handbag and touch that crucifix again but with my right hand. It did not burn me this time it just stung a little. 

I sit on the bed as Jack walks in still recording with their camera. "hey max I see you came inside!" said Pat. "yep" I say. "so guys how about we get the campfire set up and eat food!!!" said Jenny! "you got it girl!" said Anna. they proceed to leave some stuff inside the shack well it's more of a cabin the more I look at it. everyone goes outside to make food but ben staying behind. 

"Do you need something?" I asked a little confused. "um yeah I need to talk to you about umm something..." said Ben his voice kind of concerned and worried. I was a bit worried something bad happened and decided to agree and follow him. "Where are you going?" asked Jake. "we are just going to go on a walk. we won't be long" said Ben with a smile. we walk more till we are a fair distance from the camp. "hey so is everything ok?" I ask and he sits on the ground and I sit next to him. "well I need to ask you something" he said. I look into his eyes.

he looked at me with worry, stressing me out. "hey we have been friends for years and stuff so I can kind of see when someone isn't acting like themselves." he stated, looking at me. "ok?" I said confused. "so I have noticed your acting a bit weird... ever since that night," he said. I knew what he meant...

○○○To be continued...○○○

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