*Chapter 1 Part 4* unforseen faith

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*morning rises as birds and forest animals awaken making noise and waking up Fetch who goes crazy and barks waking up pat and max and bowie*

Pat: bowie kill it!!

Max: it would be funny and sad If they did...

*The 2 boys leave the tent. Fetch runs out and runs around, they realize they're the only ones awake. Fetch runs back and sits next to max*

Max: good boy.

Pat: what should we make for breakfast?

Max: I don't know maybe some scrambled eggs or something.

Pat: meh sure I'll start the fire.

Max: alright. Well, I'm gonna take Fetch on a walk.

Pat: OK

*Max takes Fetch and starts walking true the forest. He hears some birds chirping along with the leaves crunching on the floor, and whispers again*

Max: oh my god what is with this noise? it's so annoying! and why is it only happening to me?

*fetch starts barking aggressively into the woods*

Max: you hear it too? So I'm not going crazy?...

*Max gets a cold shiver down his spine as he decides to go back to the camp, to avoid any confrontations with whatever is disturbing him.*

Pat: hey so want to help me make food? the fire is up!

Max: um sure...

*they work together to make some scrambled eggs and eventually everyone wakes up. So they all sit and eat, Fetch sitting behind Max as a kind of guard. Max gets up and gets some food for fetch, putting his bowl next to himself as he continued eating, and fetch chawed down on his food. Bowie stared from a distance eating inside the tent.*

Ben: so guys what if we go hiking?

Jake: pat and Max thought of that last night! that still sounds fun!!

Max: o-ok...

Pat: No thanks I'll stay here!

Preston: yeah me too!

Pat: yeah I changed my mind so I'm down!

Jenny: HAHAHA.

Ben: alright let's get ready in a bit Preston your on dish duty!

Preston: that's not fair!

Ben: if your staying you might as well be useful!

Preston: fine...

*they finish eating and get ready to go they take a small bag with some water and food along with some hiking stuff and first aid*

Ben: alright let's go up to the mountain!

Jenny: this is gonna be fun!!

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