I.N x Fem! Reader 2/2 (Seungmin x Fem! Reader)

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I.N x Fem! Reader 2/2 / Seungmin x Fem! Reader

Triggers: censored swearing

Angst/Fluff  <3 (reader ends up with Seungmin!)

Written by: Nora

__________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .┊ ┊ ⋆˚         ✧. ┊         ⋆ ★

"Y/N..." I.N faltered, unsure of what to say. "I'm sorry I didn't realise beca-"

"You know what, forget it." Y/N interrupted. "Nothing can change it now, my choice has been made."

And just like that, Y/N walked out of the room and out of I.N's life forever, or so he thought. She was gone, for sure, but not in the way I.N thought.

"It was about time you left him." 

"Guess you were right, huh. Maybe you're better."

"Well, wouldn't you like a try, hm?"

"Hmm, maybe I would."

~Slight time skip !~ 

"Bro you gotta do something about this, it's been months!" Chan said to Lee Know, exhausted. "We've got another tour in Japan coming up, he can't stay like this forever."

"Okay." Lee Know replied looking at I.N's eyes, which were lifeless and dull. It had been months since Y/N and I.N broke up, and it had been 3 weeks since Y/N and Seungmin were rumoured to be dating. 'Seungmin was meant to be my best friend! How could he- he betrayed me..' I.N thought, lips pursing. 

"Babeeeee~ I told you not to call me during work~" Seungmin whined playfully whilst walking into the recording studio in time for his part. Now, Seungmin didn't know that I.N would be in the studio, sulking, so none of these was planned, thank you. 

"Seungmin!? Are you dating someone?" Lee Know asked, smirking. 

"Yeah, didn't you hear. He's dating Y/N." I.N replied sourly, not looking Seungmin in the eye. 

"...Come here." Chan sighed, glaring at Seungmin. Whilst Chan led Seungmin into a separate room to talk about god knows what, Lee Know started helping Jeongin with his parts.

"I.N I know you're upset but we really need to record this, now this part is more of an 'eee' than an 'uuu', yeah?" Lee Know coaxed, attempting to help I.N forget about Y/N and Seungmin, at least for now. 

I.N laughed slightly, bringing a smile to Lee Know's face. He would never admit it, but Lee Know always had a soft spot for him.

~POV/Setting switch~

"Really Seungmin? Really? You're gonna date Y/N even though you know Jeongin's still sensitive about it? Are you serious?" Chan whisper-screamed, not wanting to scare Seungmin, no matter how angry he was. 

"Chan-hyung, you don't understand. I told I.N I liked Y/N, and then THEY started dating. Do you know how much it hurt? I couldn't smile without thinking of how I smiled around Y/N." Seungmin exclaimed back with a half wistful half proud smile. 

"Yes I understand, but you can't keep hurting Jeongin like this."

"Okay....? Y/N literally proposed this, please hyung, don't blame me, gosh." Seungmin pleaded, a glint in his eye. He knew he didn't mean anything he said, his apology, his reasons, all fake. He loved Y/N, and Y/N loved him back. That's all that mattered.

"Fine fine, whatever I couldn't really care less about your stupid love life, but just- f'ck, just don't rub it in Jeongin's face okay?" Chan murmured, sighing. What was he going to do with these d'mn kids, he didn't know.  

"Oh, and tell Y/N, no phone calls during the week. At all." 


~ POV/Setting Switch back~

"That was perfect Innie! Now we just gotta wait for Chan-hyung to come back.." Lee Know smiled nervously.

Seungmin and Chan walked back, Seungmin lagging behind like a sad puppy. Lee know pulled Chan aside, whispering. 

"What did you say to the poor kid? Even if he's dating Y/N doesn't mean you can go harsh on him." Lee know questioned. 

"Ah, don't worry Lee know. I told him it's okay, as long as Y/N doesn't call during the week... or visit... or talk to him when I.N is around... or bring him anything." Chan smiled.

"...Chan, what. the. hell. " Lee Know glared, exasperated. He knew Chan was something like an overbearing parent over their precious maknae, but he didn't expect him to be this overbearing.

"What? I'm protective both Seungmin and I.N from future arguments and pain. I'm doing them a favour, Minho. Don't even think of tell-" Chan got cut off as Lee Know began talking rapidly. 

"Hyung, I know you're trying to protect our two maknaes, but you need to realise that by doing this you are hurting Y/N and Seungmin. You can't just ban them from talking to each other. Yes, Y/N was hurt, I.N is hurt, and their situation is f'cked up, but you can't ban two people who are clearly in love or have some type of feelings for each other. I say, let all 3 of them work it out, by themselves. We shouldn't get involved, not again." Lee Know finished, watching as Chan's expression turned from pride to concern. Chan frowned, deep in thought.

"Fine, you're right. I'll tell Seungmin they can do whatever they want.. I'm just worried for I.N, I know he didn't mean to hurt Y/N... " Chan trailed off, still frowning, eyebrows knitted together.

"..Hyung, let me tell me something. Y/N's been in love with Seungmin for months, but she never had the courage to mention it to I.N. She was too scared, too confused, and hated confrontation. So, in a twisted way, I'm happy they broke up." Lee Know said, eyes casting down. 

Little did they know, I.N was listening the whole time, heart shattering into a million pieces.

HIHIHIHI<3 I FINALLY FINISHED THIS, ALTHOUGH IT'S NOT VERY GOOD, I DIDN'T WANT TO LEAVE IT ANY LONGER!! Ivy and I have a lot of ideas, and although a lot of shit is keeping us busy, we are definitely going to be updating more often :)

- Nora

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