Chapter 1

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As I sat on a bench in a mall, my favorite song, "Demons" by Imagine Dragons started playing while I was writing in my crossword puzzle book. I had some time to relax while my C.P.S guardian, Ms. Juliana went to get food for dinner tonight. This mall had a families' market connected so we could come here to shop and buy food.
It was almost the end of the year so I'd almost finished my freshman year as a sixteen year old. The year turned out to be great at that high school, except for all the people but other than that, it was decent.
I started getting into my music until I saw Cindy speed walking towards me. I glare at her and take my headphones off. She gives me a dirty look with two small plastic bags in her hands.
"Hello there, Cindy. Didn't expect to see you here at this time." I greeted her in a nice way. She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms while her long black hair flies in the air. "Why I'm here is none of your business, Loser!" she shouts softly. Cindy gives me another dirty look and stares down at my crossword puzzle book, and then at my phone.
She quickly reaches for my headphones and snatches my cell phone out of my hand. "What are you doing? Please give them back!" Cindy turns the screen on my cell phone and puts my headphones up to her ear. "Ha, what are you listening to? Oh, it sounds like pop music." She giggles at me.
"What kind of Loser would listen to pop music? It's so annoying." She said, and my blood went cold. "Me, actually. Do you have a problem with that? Cause I think you do." I tried to stand up for myself. "Wow, I can't believe you listen to this junk." Cindy chuckles. I clenched up my fists as I stared into her bright blue eyes.
"Cindy, just leave me alone! Why'd you come to me to mess with me? Don't you have better things to do?" I tried standing up for myself again but Cindy reached for my crossword puzzle book and started ripping pages out of it until I spotted Zoe two feet behind Cindy.

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