Chapter 14

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The man wearing black stared at me as I backed away.
"No. Not you again!" I backed away as he took a step closer. Before he could get any closer I ran as fast as I could to the next door room. I slammed the door shut and locked myself in with a broom.
The room was dark and cold and the windows were slanted. Next I spotted a handgun on a random desk in the front of the board. Cautiously I grabbed it and checked for bullets (which had five in it) before I walked out of the classroom to search for the man in black.
By the time I got out of the classroom I spotted the intruder around the corner again and aimed the gun towards him. When I pulled the trigger I realized I missed and the man in back disappeared. So many thoughts flooded my brain to the next thing that'll happen.
"What. Where did you go?" I thought out loud again as I was alone and no one could hear me. I searched all around me as I tried to stay alert of my surroundings. I find a big round mirror near a bulletin board with a bunch of papers and tacs. In the mirror I see the intruder behind me about to hit me with a gun but I dodge it and somersault under him quickly.
"There you are!" I aim the gun at him again but he smucks me with the big gun in his hand. I got dizzy and lost my balance and fell on my left arm. "Ah!" I eaze in pain as the man in black pushes his gun on my neck, slightly choking me. I tried to push him off me but he's stronger than me.

Cindy's POV

It's been awhile since I got locked in a closet. I've always been afraid of the dark and small spaces but no one seemed to care. I rummaged through my pocket for my cell phone to power it on. My phone's percentage was half full so I could use my flashlight. Without realizing my phone's flashlight was brighter than normal, I'd blinded myself and lost my vision for a moment but got it back. I hear noises from out of the closet. The next thing I heard was the sound of a bang.
I couldn't hear anything else because this closet is muffled but I heard that bang perfectly. I started to worry about Leah and wondered where she was. She's the only person here besides me that could hear the things I could hear. I knew in my gut that we were not alone, that someone was trapping us here or trying to hurt us.
I know Leah was trying to protect me in all but I could fight for myself as well, like I always have. I know I am stronger than I think I am, but I can feel myself becoming weak sometimes.
The more I heard the banging and screaming the harder I kicked the door. I felt the doorknob move a little bit but was still stuck until I kicked the door one more time. Next thing I saw was the door falling on the hallway floor on my way out. I froze to catch my breath then I hurried in the direction I heard noises.
I finally found out where the sounds were coming from, the voices I heard were Leah and some other man fighting on the ground. The man held a big gun up to Leah's neck so tightly, I could hear Leah gasping for air. The next thing I did was grab a huge shard of glass.

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