Fourteen years ago

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Fourteen years ago an innocent orphaned 19-year old water na'vi was kidnapped and raped by a forest avatar where the humans were trying to work on created the perfect soldier.
  To destroy Jake sully a rogue avatar whom had become one with the Forest Na'vi.

The young Na'vi had managed to escape into the forest and found herself by a small pool of glowing turquoise water.
  She begged eywa to give her unborn child a strength like no other.
  Give her child a gift, in hope this would never happen to her child.

She passed out in the pond and woke up in this homemade hut.
  She woke up to see a forest avatar mixing some berry's.

She grew close and became attached and almost bonded with him when tied her up and brought her to a human facility.

She tried to escape but it wasn't easy considering the child she bear in her womb.

Soon after the child was born they tried to experiment but thanks to eywa  the young avatar managed to escape again with her daughter.

She hid away from the world not trusting another soul she raised her daughter teaching her the ways of bothering the forest and the water.
  Teaching her how to defend herself and fight, how to use a bow and a spear, how to use and control her powers given to her by eywa.

But as soon as it felt like they'd never be found the humans had tracked them down and the mother had told her daughter to run, not to stop running until she'd gotten far enough away.

As she watched her daughter run she distracted the humans and lead them in the opposite direction.

That was the last time the young child had ever seen her mother.

This was kinda rushed a bit but the plot in this chapter will be better explained throughout the book.😁😁

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