Love and acceptance

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Lo'aKs pov

She kissed me!!!

She cupped my face in her hands and she kissed me.

Then she pulled back and jumped down the flooding hallway.

I grabbed Lisue's hand and pulled her down the halls. I hated the idea of leaving Neirelye, especially after what happened last time, but I fear what she would do more if I didn't listen.

Women are scary.

When we got outside it was worse than when I was out here.

I spotted Payakan and Helped Lisue get a good grip. ' GET HER OUT OF HERE.' I yelled over the explosions.

I turned around and ran back into the battle.

' Lisue's safe and on her way back to the village, but Neirelye is inside gathering the blueprints and serum for the Avatar Prodject she said we have to destroy everything here.' I said calling my ikran.

' Then lets give her time and a distraction.' Dad said.

' Give em hell Lo'aK.' Neirelye said through my com.

I smiled and flew around to help Neteyem out.

Neirelye's POV

I made my way down the hallways and swam into the room with the blueprints I grabbed the blueprints and serum and was on my way out when my Father came in.

' Hey little Blue.' he said. And a gun was put to the back of my head.

' you thought you could get out of here with the serum.' he said grabbing them from my hand.

I reached out to try and grab them back but the avatar behind me held my arm against my shoulder. I moved my thumb and pushed against the button for the vocal com, so Jake could hear everything.

' this serum is just the trial Serum there is more being developed back on earth, so yes what's in this facility is the only serum here right now, but your little friends don't know that, they don't know you are the reason the serum works.' he said.' your blood is the pureifier to the serum if your friends knew that they would hunt you down like the animal you are, that includes your little boyfriend.'

' WANNA BET BITCH!!' Lo'aK said kicking my dad out of the way and spilling papers in the water.' Neirelye fire blast.'

I built up some energy and blasted a hole in the roof where Jake was Flying around. Lo'aK took off on his ikran with Aunong and Jake picked me up.

' We need to destroy the serum.' I yelled at Jake as the island started to blow.

' How.' He asked.

' Jake.' I whispered ' drop me.'

' No,' he said swerving higher to avoid Quaritch who's still following us.

' JAKE!.' I yell. ' let me go.'

jake growls and flys as high as he can.

' Neirelye.' Lo'aK says through the com.

I put my fingers to my com ' I Love You.' I say and jump off the Ikran. I gather everyonce of energy in my body and create a nuclear blast in mid air but right as the blast went off Jake swooped in and grabbed me as we fell into the ocean.

Lo'aK's POV

I layed back on the beach while everyone else ran to their families.

Tsireya ran over to Neteyem and threw her arms around him.

' Ma' Jake.' Mom called as she looked for dad.

I shot up and looked for dad. but we couldn't find him.

that's when this wave came in and Dad and someone else were suddenly standing on the beach, he was holding the girl up.

I got closer and practically died on the spot.

I ran as fast as I could and wrapped my arms around her.

' Guess im indestructible huh?' she joked.

I pulled out of the hug and kissed her, i didn't care who all was watching or if anyone knew i just pulled her close and pressed my lips to hers.

' Hey guys I hate to break this up but Tonowari's has been badly injured.' Spider said, and turned to Neirelye ' Ronal needs your help.'

Neirelye grabbed my hand and we ran to Tonowari's tent.

Ronal wouldn't let anybody but Tsireya Neirelye and the forest Tsahike in.

We all waited for four hours before we could see him.

We walked in and Tonowari put his hand up.

' Neteyem come forward.' He said, Tsireya looked worried.

Neteyem stepped forward.

' You and my Daughter, you have mated, She bears your child and neither of you tell us.' He says.

I grabbed Neirelye's hands.

Dad and Mom looked at Neteyem in shock.

' Yes sir.' Neteyem said not showing any fear.

There was a long silence.

Tonowari got up despite his injuries and and grabbed his spear.

We all stiffened.

' You have my Approval Neteyem Sully.' He said.

Mom pulled Tsireya outside while dad spoke to Neteyem out away from the people.

' That went better than expected.' I said.


Hey guys sry I haven't posted on a while the last two weeks I've had church stuff and me and a few of my friend to celebrate mine and my friends Bday so I've been really busy.

The next chapter will be the last chapter and the book will be finished.

Now don't completely panic I will write a sequel but (you can freak out now) it won't be until the next avatar movie comes out which has been postponed until 2025.

I will write other Avatar Fanfics and stuff so keep an eye out for those, in the meantime I've written some other fan fictions

My warrior- Lo'aK Where stories live. Discover now