The nightmares

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' DONT MOVE!' A voice said from behind me. I flinched slightly and became stiff recognizing the voice that I heard.

I turned to look at him

' Hello daughter did you miss me.'

' Not even the slightest demon.' I spat at him.
   My body was trembling slightly but I refused to let it show.

Grabbing me by my braid my father yanked me out of the hut and pushed me towards the beach where everyone else had been gathered.
   He handed me to the other avatar Lyle, whom Neteyam was glaring at with no emotion.

That's when Quaritch walked up onto the beach and stood over next to Jake sully.

' wel well well look what we have here.' He said and grinned.

' Quaritch this is between you and me, leave everyone else out of it.' Jake said his eyes full of fear for his family and his clan, and anger towards the man he had tried to kill so many times.

' on the contrary Mr. Sully these avatar aren't here for you there here for her' he pointed to me ' and to leave a little message for the other Navi clans we know you have been rallying together.'

' But you couldn't resist getting your hands on Jake so you tagged along.' I hissed. Quaritch looked at me with suprise and grinned.

' Yes' he turned back to Jake sully and then to Neteyam and the hate on his face turned to shock. Quaritch walked over to Neteyam ' well i'll be damned, I'd heard rumors you were alive I just thought people were crazy, its not everyday people come back from the dead.'

' you did.' I hissed. My father snapped at me to shut up and kicked my leg causing me to fall. Lo'aK hissed at him and tried to escape the grip of the avatar holding him.

They threw him to the ground and pinned himthere with a gun to his head. but Lo'ak being Lo'ak he kept struggling against them.

When he finally looked at me I shook my head telling him to stop. I moved my hands to the side and signed for him to wait and he nodded backing down.

Just as my father started to speak I felt something through the water I was standing in, and my head snapped up and I looked beyond the reef trying to find whatever I was feeling in the water.

I looked at kiri who was also standing in the edge towards the water, She could feel it too.

next things I know not only were the huts burning, but the sky blackened and the waves were crashing against the rocks the rain poured and the ground shook.

I took advantage of the avatar holding, who couldn't stay standing, and slit his throat with his knife and I went to help Kiri and Tuk.

I grabbed the guy holding them and threw him in the water and told them to run.

as we kept kept running to find the others I saw an Ilu that had washed up on shore.

' go.' I called to them ' ill help him.' I said and used my powers to help the Ilu back into the water.

when I finally got back to the huts I saw bodys everywhere and avatar shooting every moving thing in sight.

I went to help some Navi that got trapped under some collapsed huts when my father came out of nowhere and dragged me over to Quaritch and the Sully's.

My father leaned down and whispered in my ear, ' you did this to them.' he then nodded at Quaritch who had the avatar holding each of them stab them and twist the knife in the heart starting with Tuk and leaving Jake for last.

I screamed and yelled for them to stopbut they wouldn't and then they threw each of them down on the ground like they were nothing...

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