Projoect Avatar

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'It was the first day in the lab I saw more Avatar then I thought they'd originally produced, the longer I was there I noticed as more disappeared more showed up, one day I saw some plans the sky people had come up with
Every time they would take me into their lab I would see or hear more about it, they would say how they were trying to perfect this serum that you can inject into a specially built cryo tube with human dna and it will only take a few weeks to form a fully grown avatar.
Then they will just throw out the human body after transferring the mindset into the Avatar mind.' Neirelye explained. ' they haven't perfected it yet it keeps going wrong but they are kidnapping Navi people for their experiments, and Quaritch has a strong grudge against you Jake Sully.'

Dad paced the room as Tonowari told us kids to leave the hut.

Me, Neirelye, Neteyem, Aonung and Tsireya left the hut but stayed close enough to it that we could hear their conversation.

' Me and my family will pack up our things and leave we will take Neirelye with us as well.' Dad said we all looked at each other.

I Don't wanna go anywhere else, I know Neteyem won't wanna leave Tsireya, as much as we don't like each other Aonung is cool around us, and I sure as hell don't wanna be anywhere near neirelye if I have to.

' No! Jake sully you will stay.' Tonowari said.

' if I stay I put the whole clan at risk.' Dad replies.

' We will be at risk whether you stay or go, if this is true we must make a stand otherwise it will be all lives at risk.' Tonowari said.

' Tonowari this could bring more attention than you think to this clan do you really want to put the lives of the women and children of this clan at a higher risk your wife and children.'

' Jake if we do not do something now the metkayina will not know what to do when they bring their army's you know more of the sky people you are our ally and you are one of us, I understand what you speak but know that none of us are safe as long as the sky people are here.' Tonowari stated, Dad sighed ' now go to your family and rest with them we will all start preparing what best we can with what we know and we will discuss this more tomorrow.'

We all quickly ran down to the beach before they could walk out and catch us eavesdropping.

We'll all of us except Neirelye.

We all sat by the beach and talked about what had happened today when we were all called for bed.
I walked into the hut behind Neteyem and saw Neirelye sleeping in my bed.

' hey.' Dad came up to me ' I put her in your bed because she tried to sleep on the floor but she needs to be on a bed,'

' why if she wants to sleep on the floor let her sleep on the floor.' I complained

' because she won't admit it but she's got a mild concussion and sleeping on the floor won't be good for her don't worry you can have Tuks bed she's sleeping with Neteyem tonight.' Dad said.

' then why couldn't you put her in tuks bed.' I asked.

He looked down at me annoyed ' because I have to slightly wake her every few hours just like I did with you when you were eight remember, and your bed is closer to ours.'

I just growled and plopped down on tuks bed, tossing and turning for a few hours before falling asleep.

I was woken up later by Tuk who jumped on top of me. I pushed her off and she just jumped back on top of me.

' C'mon Lo'aK get up I wanna play.' Tuk whined.

' go play with Neirelye.' I said through my teeth.

' I can't she ran of into the forest earlier.'

I sat up ' did she tell anyone where she was going.'

' No she just ran out after everyone left.' Tuk said sadly.

    I told Tuk to go create a new game to play because I was sick of the other ones and I would go get Neirelye to play with us.
    I went into the forest, if I could catch her doing something Dad might finally believe that she's bad news.

   I kept going deeper into the small forest and found her I hid behind a bush and watched her
    That's when my brain exploded, as I watched her move the water and leaves with hand movements and set on of the leaves in fire.
    I didn't know if I was seeing things or not but Dad definitely needed to know.
I went to move away but something extremely cold and wet and hard held my feet in place.

' what the-'

' it's called ice.' Neirelye said ' it's frozen water that melts with heat,'

' Let me go.' I hissed.

To my surprise she let me go and had this trail of water pull me back to the beach.
I stood there for a few minutes in complete shock and then left to find Dad.

I pushed pass Tuk and the others and went in the hut.

' DAD! You are never going to believe this but I'm telling you I saw Neirelye moving water and creating fire with her hands not touching anything and she put something called ice around my feet.' I explained,' I know it sounds crazy but I swear I saw her do these things.'

That's when I noticed Tonowari in the corner next to me.

' I know she has ability's Lo'aK tell me you weren't spying on her.'

' What's ice.' Neteyem asked.

' it's this cold slippery hard stuff, and it made my feet go a little numb and they are now throbbing.' I told him.

' it is called frost bite.' Neirelye said walking towards Dad and sat down.
Tuk jumped over and started triple braiding her hair.

' It will wear off in time Lo'aK I guess frost bite effects Navi differently.' Dad said. My guess is he had this stuff on his planet, he stood up and put his hand on my shoulders, ' look I get it if you don't trust her but trust me we could really use her help just try to be nice.'

I nodded. I don't trust neirelye but I trust Dad. I will try to be nice but if she jumps out of nowhere at me I won't hesitate to attack.

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