Damsel in Distresss

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Jake's pov

It's been Two months since Kiri discovered Neirelye's alive and we still haven't found any information on the matter.
   We've hit every convoy every water base and every military ship within the sea's for information but we still have no lead.

Lo'aK has sunken into a major state of anger and depression, he is sad and lost.
Every time we try to talk to him he just turns over in his bed and ignores us.

If he gets in a bad enough mood he'll go beyond the reef and hunt fish until he can't fit anymore into the huge net he takes with him.

I was on the other side of the beach when Norms ship lands at the end of the beach.
I run down the beach and meet him as he walks out.

And with Tarsem, the Oloectyon of the forest people.

Tonowari walks up behind me along with his family and mine.

' May we speak somewhere private.' Tarsem asks there is a woman behind him.

We all gathered in Tonowari's hut.

' This is my wife Suirua, I have come here to discuss matters on the sky people issue.' Tarsem says. ' I have heard one of your own was taken and you know not where she is.'

' Neirelye.' Tsireya whispered, the mention of Neirelye's name got Lo'aKs attention.

' our daughter Lisue, has been kidnapped by the sky people, we were able to track them to a facility on this secret island far north, I believe they might also have the girl they took from you there as well.' Tarsem explained.

' Well what are we waiting for let's go get them.' Lo'aK jumped up.

' Lo'aK, sit.' Neytiri hissed.

Lo'aKs pov

' well what are we waiting for let's go get them.' I say jumping up.

' Lo'aK sit.' Mom hissed.

' kids why don't you go outside while we discuss this.' Tonowari said.

Before I could object Neteyem and Aunong pulled me out of there.

' Their not going to let us go.' I say angry.

' I know.' Neteyem said.

' After what happened last time I-I just- can't.' I say I can't hide the pain any longer.

Tsireya puts a hand on my shoulder. ' we know Lo'aK.'

' Look I got a look at the plans Norm drew up if we get a big enough head start we can make it there by morning and create a big enough distraction for them.' Neteyem said.

I looked at him in Awe, ' Wait your suggesting something dangerous that could ground is for life.'

' What can I say I can't be the golden boy, and we all know your going to go whether we tell you not to or not,' he smiles ' and what kind of big brother would I be if I knowingly let my little bro go into a death trap and not gone with him to make sure he didn't die.'

' I'm am coming too.' Aunong said.

' And me too.' Spider said.

' I wish I could go but I must stay, I will cover for you guys.' Tsireya said.

She hadn't even told Aunong that she's pregnant yet.

We got on our Ilu and swam out to three brothers rock and hitched a ride from payakan the rest of the way.

Neirelye pov

I was just strapped to a chair in a lab, another typical day for me here when they bring in this little Ometiciya girl.
   I overheard them say she the daughter of the chief of Jake's old clan.

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