Doing the right thing

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So I've been here for about two weeks now and it seems the storms are only getting worse and I don't know when it will be safe to leave.
  Tonowari the clan leader spoke privately to Jake-man in his tent.

I figured since I was passing by the smart thing to do would be to listen in.

' If this keeps up we may run out of food.' Ronal, Tonowari's mate said.

' Actually me and Jake have come to a decision.' Tonowari replied, I could sense the uneasy feeling grow in Ronak as she asked...

' what decision.' She asked.

' Only as a last resort,' Jake said calmly, ' if the storms do worsen and come closer towards the reef then we will send only the strongest to go out into the storm and try and catch fish.'


Tonowari calmed her enough for her to stop yelling, ' Ronal listen the storm draws closer and closer forwards the reef which will scare away the smaller fish in time and draw the bigger ones out.'

' we need to prepare for the storm if it were to come within the reef.' I heard Neytiri say.

' we don't even know that it will come that close.' Ronal said her mood shifting between angry and worried.

I shift closer towards the opening of their hut and see Lo'aK and Neteyem eavesdropping too.
They look at me with confusion as to what I'm doing here but dare not say anything on the note they would get scolded for eavesdropping on a private meeting.

I keep walking as if I was just randomly passing by and lean in the hut a little.

' if I were you I would prepare for the storms to hit the edge of the reef and one shore, I am familiar with these kind of storms and they will be long and destructive.' I said and walked off.

I've always loved the sound of the rain and waves as they thrashed and the thunder booming but then the lightning comes.

Scares the hell out of me.

Ever since the whole , Bitch, incident with Lo'ak his mom has been keeping a very close eye on him so rather than try and talk nice he just avoids me.
It's kinda funny Neytiri kinda reminds me of my mom a little.

With each day the storms roll closer and no one knows why.

I was walking down the beach staring at the grey clouds in the distance when Tuk came up to me and begged me to play with her.
She grabbed my wrist and yanked me over to her little sea shell collection.

' I wanna make jewelry for my family and for Lo'aK his birthday is coming up can you tear h me how to weave the vines together I tried but it doesn't look as good as mommas.' She explained, i sighed and helped her not having anything else better to do.

Jake could work with me with my English right now because he had to handle the storm situation,
Lo'aK was in charge of helping gather supplies to enforce our huts,
Neytiri was in charge of helping Ronal with her job as the Tshaík.

Kiri was off with some boy Roxco or something.

' So where are your parents at where are you from.' Tuk asked attempting to weave two vines together.

' I not from anywhere, mom gone no dad.' I say as best I can in English.

Tuk looked at me with with sad eyes, ' oh, how did your mom die.'

I looked at her and just simply said ' sky people murdered her.'

' if you hate people so much why did you save my dad.' She asked

I just stared at her the question she asked stunned me for some reason.

' I don't know.' I say looking away

' mommy says some people just have the natural instinct to do the right thing.' She said and started weaving more vines still not getting it right.

  I don't know why I saved Jake Sully from that crash why I didn't let him drown in the storm, something just didn't feel right but I couldn't tell what it was.

I thought about what Tuk said, Natural instinct to do the right thing.

I actually start to think mom may have been wrong about one thing.

Just because it's not safe to trust people doesn't mean you should refrain from just doing the right thing.

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