35. Arrival

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"If you do not remember the mistakes of the past, you will be doomed to repeat them."

A simple quote. Something that a lot of people know. Most people think they know what this saying means. A lot of people have used this saying. But how many people really know what this saying was really about? You can look it up in a lot of books. You can even look it up online. There are many places you can see this quote. But not one place ever got the true grasp of what that saying really means. Or how old it truly is.


After breakfast and a lot of planning, they were as ready as they could be for the arrival of the Dragons. The first meeting was going to take place on the field behind the academy. Because the conversation was cut short, the academy's security did not know what to really expect. However, with the help of Cat, well really Kendria, they anticipated the Dragons would not be causing any problems after there landing and transformation.

But flying Dragons coming this way, that was a problem. Word was put out to everyone around that guests would be arriving today. They would look like Dragons when they arrived. But nobody was to take any action against them. Every person in the school was told about there guests. Some decided to leave, but most chose to stay. Almost every Little wanted to see the Dragons. They thought it would be really cool to see one for real. A lot of them now had at least one new stuffed dragon that they would carry around with them. Then word got out that Tiggger was part dragon and the ones that were coming, where coming to see him. That's why every eye was on them at breakfast.

At first everyone was on edge about the dragons. Then it became more of a game to see who would see them first. But after the second hour waiting for them in the field passed, people got board. By the third hour, people got hungry. And the forth hour had people bringing out food for everyone. The back field became a checkerboard of pick-nicks.

In the middle of eating his lunch Tiggger stopped and looked north. His whole family saw this and they to stoped eating. They were ether looking at him or north like he was. The middle of the field was still clear, but all around were people sitting and eating. When Tiggger stood up and started walking, his whole family fallowed him. At first they went unnoticed. But when they passed Sara the alarm was sounded.

"Grandma, please bring lots of food and stuff to drink. They will be hungry and thirsty from there long flight. They can sit with us when they get here." For the first time Sara saw and felt Tiggger as the prince or the king he should have been. She had to blink a couple of times before she could do what he asked. He did not order her to do anything. But she could feel the command behind the words. Tiggger was going full Dragon, full Dom as he passed her by. Those that were not his family could feel and see the change in him.

The whole field was not necessary as one by one they dropped from the sky. They flew to the center of the field and in midair changed to there human forms. Then dropped the ten to twenty feet to the ground with a thud. Not one dragon toe or claw touched the ground. The last one to drop had what looked like saddle bags drop with him. He tossed the bags to each person and they got dressed.

After they were dressed they slowly walked towards Tiggger and his family. Dragons can tell there kind. But what happened next surprised everyone. Tiggger stepped forward and pointed at the dragon in the middle. In the most dominating voice anyone has ever heard from him, he said. "You. Not a single word is to come out of your mouth or mind or I will rip your head off. Is that understood." The dragons around that one bared there teeth and prepared for a fight. Tiggger's family did the same. But that dragon put his arms out to the others to stop them. Then he took a step forward and nodded his head at Tiggger.

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