Chapter - 6

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" You look so nervous. What's on your mind?"i asked him.
"A million dreams."he grinned

"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I don't know how to put this but, i want to show you off to my friends."he said smilingly to my face and my ears went red.

"I want to make my friends jealous too. I know we are doing it as a revenge but i wish it would be real."he said

I wanted the same for us too but i don't know if I can give him what he want. He came from a rich family and i am an orphan who is making money doing several part time jobs and just starting evrything from the scratch.
I can show you off but you can't. You can't just tell everyone that your spouse is a stripper.
I shook my head.

"Gossips aside, would you care to tell me where we are going?"i asked.
"Where do you think?"he said and a limo arrived at the same moment and he opened the doors for me.

"I think it's way too much for a show off."i said to him and sat inside.
He sat beside me.
"Love is not something you have to show off. It's just a feeling anyone can read if it's real. It's always about giving."he said.
"I guess you're so romantic and cringe at the same time."i said
He chuckled.
"But honestly I think I enjoy talking cringe things to you. I mean I've never spoken to you because you're the one who always makes the first move."i said.

"You're free to talk cringe things to me. I will enjoy it and i would be happy too if you care to make the first move."he said to me and clenched his jaw and smiled.

"Let's take some selfies."he said. "I'm gonna post that on my account."
"You've came with full planning huh?"
"But we should make it look real so...."he pulled me closer and kissed on my cheek and took the pic.
I flinched.

"You should've told me earlier."i said.
"Gimme a nice caption."
"How about....? My valentine. Not so cheesy. Just simple."
"Ok my Aphrodite of simplicity..."
He posted it right away.

"We've arrived sir." The driver said.
"Thank you very much"he said.
He stopped the car in front of a 5star hotel which was tall enough to be called a skyscraper.

There was a huge front gate and the moment it opened my feet touched the red carpet and i felt like a celebrity.
Donovan held my hand"don't go anywhere. Come with me."
He took me for the dinner.

The ceiling of the hall was covered in chandelier....and he opened the door and there was a huge restuarant with about tons of tables and chairs.
The hall was huge enough to take a nice walk.
Donovan walked me to our table with the butler.

"Here's your seat sir. Please feel free to order and enjoy your dinner."the butler said and walked away.
I was about to sit but he interfered"may i?"he asked.

I nodded and he pulled the chair out and asked me to sit and i sat down as he gently pushed the chair.
He sat apposite to me"so what would you like to order?"he asked me as he opened the menu.

I opened the menu and the food was costly enough that even if I try to work every 365 days of my year i still can't able to afford a four course meal.
My body paralysed and my jaw dropped after seeing the prices skyrocketing.

"What happened? Are you not hungry?"he asked.
"It's just that........I'm feeling awkward. Plus the food is so expensive here."i said with a cracked voice.

Donovan has always been dirty minded when it comes to tease me. He touches my legs with his and was rubbing on it to make me uncomfortable.
"Are you blushing?"he asked and grinned. "If you want something else to eat so we can just go to our rooms. I'm sure I can feed you till your belly's going to explode."

"Don't make your mind full of dirty thoughts. That won't work on me. I've already decided what to eat."honestly it actually worked on me. I visualised when he said my belly's going to explode.

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