Chapter - 9

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It's been a month or two since Samuel started working in the company and my everyday was the same and i got used to it but one, something didn't looked right.

Samuel seemed to be having a hard time and he was spacing out a lot and seemed worried.
I don't know why I should be happy to see him worried like this but i had a bad feeling too.
I was just afraid that the things won't work out.

It was one of our senior colleagues who decided to gave us a treat in the bar including the interns, and this was the time when life decided to spice up the things.

It was late night around 11pm and all of us were so busy in gossiping that we lost the track of time.

Samuel should be happy that after all what he had done he still have life by his side, but even in that happy moment he looked sad.

He recieved a call at midnight and he went without saying a proper goodbye and didn't explained the real reason.
Everyone thought that he might didn't want to stay late night and maybe went home but this was all the guesses the real reason was something that even i never thought it can be this worse.

After a while Donovan got a call from Miguel and he went outside to take the call and i was left alone in the crowd full of colleagues.

He left saying that he had an urgent work came up and left.
He asked me to drop me at my home and i agreed.

When he dropped me to my house and the moment he drove away with a smile, i felt something really bad is about to happen.

I was about to open my door and a hand covered in blood grabbed mine and when I looked at him it was Samuel.

His eyes were filled with fear and anger at the same time.
His shirt was covered in blood, his buttons ripped off and his blazer was gone.

"Oh my god!!!!Samuel! What is all this?"i asked.
He was trembling in fear as his eyes were saying please save me.
I didn't knew what to do and i don't want to help him either but  let's just say that it was my mankind which let me to help a person suffering from a hard time.

It was when I realised ' not all people are worthy of your kindness.'

I let him in.

"Why did you saved me?"he asked.
"I didn't saved you i just let you in because I don't want the neighbors to know that there's a person who is wandering around the streets with all his body drenched in blood."

"Is this all your blood?"i asked.
"Not all of it or you can say i only got hit on the head and i lost so much of blood."
"So you're acting victim?"
"You don't believe me.?"
"No i don't."

I walked to my cupboard and pulled t-shirt and trouser out and threw at him.
"Go get washed up and get changed and when you're done fuck yourself."

I acted bold enough at that night but i didn't knew that he would still can held the audacity to act this way.
He left at that night but the next day he didn't came to office.
I don't give a fuck about him but i was worried where Donovan have been?

He didn't picked my calls and didn't replied to my messages.
He didn't even came.

I was living a day or two peacefully when a tragedy happened with me.
I was sleeping in my house in late afternoon and suddenly someone started banging on my door and i woke up from my sleep trembling in fear.

They invaded my house and they were about 10 of them.
They were tall and had big muscles and they were holding hockey sticks and baseball bats.

One of them drew his bat at me and said"where is that guy? Where did you hide him?"
"Which guy? I am the only one here."
"Stop lying you brat!"
He banged the bat at the table and my table cracked.

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