(Chapter-4)Sebastian Sullivan

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At night, Albert cannot sleep as tomorrow he has to go to the party.One of the psycho 's birthday party.'The young mater of the golden lion household 'Sebastian Sullivan '.He is a crazy bastard that obsessed with beautiful things.That's why he obsessed with male lead's beautiful appearance .So male lead is just one of his collections.What a sick bastard.Treating people like an object.I didn't know if about this event as their story only began when they attend the Acedamy.I have no idea what are they like when they are young'.*sigh*.............

(Infront of the household gate)
"Why my baby is so handsome, 💕 my little son become a fine young man."
"Brat make sure not to make any troubles."
"Well I will try my best to not cause any troubles but I can't promise "
"BRAT Did you hear what he just said Maria"
Maria just laughed and said goodbye to hot temper Father and indifferent son.

At party

The household of golden lion is indeed Amazing .The hall is really glorious and decorated with jewellery showing the wealth of Sullivan family.There are a lot
of nobles and their children.They all act like graceful and friendly.But who will know what's actually in their mind.

"Albert I will go and have a chat of head of golden lion . Just stay here and don't cause any problems."Derek said with worried voice.
"Don't worry father"

Derek left with uncertainties in his mind.Albert noticed that .

'So this is golden lion household.It's indeed magnificent.I haven't see that person.but it will be better if I don't meet him...............It's so boring,I think I will just look around for a while old man told me to stay here but it will be okay.After all he can do is nagging me.I will just go to the garden.The air is fresh and feel good than in the house.It is so crowded and noisy. They have different types of flowers ,even though our garden have almost all flowers that grew in the empire but I have never seen this blue roses . It's probably from other countries.As Albert enjoying the beauty of the blue rose,he smelled disgusting smile and someone grabbed his feet.
Albert was really shook.

The young girl but look older than him probably 13 or 14 grabbing his legs .her grey hair so messy and there are a lot of scars on her body and she is dripping with blood.She look so thin and wear white plain dress but with blood it's turning in to red.when she raise her head her one of her eyes is missing but more like just taken out as blood dripping down from the eyeholes and can see though the holes.It was really unpleasant .Albert Freeze for a moment but he regained consciousness when he heard her begging voice.

Please help me. Hel..............."
The girl used all of her strength to say these words because she had none left. Albert is the only one on whom she can rely.

Albert becomes agitated and attempts to pick her up.

"Are you okay? Who did this to you?

You will be f......"
He was interrupted before he could finish his sentence.
Sharp objects pierced her head, splattering blood in my face.
He can't believe his eyes; just a moment ago, this pitiful girl was crying and pleading for his assistance.
But now she is helpless, lying in a pool of blood.
He could hear the shooter's voice.

"Shit this bitch is really handful.How dare she run away and cause so much troubles"
Beautiful golden hair boy with red eyes that is similar to the colour of ruby came calmly to girls dead body holding crossbow in his hand.Albert watched all his actions with unbelievably.he sit down with one knee on and give his crossbow to one of his servant behind his back and then he put on his gloves .He grab the girl hair and he looks like he really disgusted the girl's corpse but she takes out the remaining one eyes of the girl with knife.The servant give him the glass case with previous eye and he kept a pair of the girl's eyes in it.He look at the eyes and smile satisfiedly.

After he satisfied with his doing.He eyes landed on Albert who is still surprised by what happened right now.

"Hello, are you okay?My name is Sebastian Sullivan the heir of the Golden Lion,Nice to meet you" he acted like nothing happened and try to handshake with Albert.Albert felt really disgusted by his behaviour.As Albert did not give his hand to handshake, Sebastian seem to realize something and with hurry he take of his bloody gloves.
"How inconsiderate of me,I forgot to take out my dirty gloves.ha ha....you clothes get dirty from this slave's blood.Do you wanna change you clothes as you and I looked like same age,I think my clothes will fit with you.come on"

Albert tried his best to keep calm. If he was just a 12 years old kid,we will definitely gone mad from the sense but he is adult with strong Mind, he can control himself still it is truly inhuman.But I will not gain any good things from interact with him or oppose Albert tried to stand by himself and with calmly manner

"My name is Albert Hermas the only son of the Hermas family,it is pleasure to meet the young master of Sullivan family."
Sebastian smirked"So you are rumoured young master, interesting"

'rumours,I guess I am pretty famous'

"Then excuse me,sir Sullivan, I will go back and change my clothes as it become so dirty."as Albert bow his head and try to get away from this unpleasant sight.
Sebastian said with playful tones
"So Albert what do you think of this.Is she pitiful right?worthless but still want to live.Her crying face is so annoying right?Such a disgusting dirty creatures should not be exist in this world.Don't you agree"

'That it is,my patience has limit. I don't care about anything anymore'
Albert turned his head back ,facing with him with cold gaze.
"If you want my opinion,I will answer honestly.Yes she is indeed a disgusting dirty creatures that's not worth to live.but as far as I know she came from same species as you and I that called human.So yes it is we are definitely dirty
And disgusting lowly creatures including you.Sorry if I am rude but I just think logically.then excuse me and last thing is please don't call me Albert,I don't like being called by someone I barely know,have a nice day , young master "

Albert left from that place without looking back.

"How dare he talk to young master like this.He sure have some nerves to sa..."

"Shut up"

" Sorry young master"

"Well well well l found something interesting, Albert Hermas, ALBERT he sure is really beautiful "

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