ACADEMY DAYS-15(Undying love)

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In the holy kingdom's dark alley,

"How dare you steal from me, you little thief.""You filthy rat," said the big guy, kicking the young child who was coated in dirt and starving.

He appears to be roughly 9 years old.Despite being badly beaten, he refused to give up the piece of bread he stole from the small shop's owner, an ugly overweight man.

"Agh....ughhhh....."The child grips his teeth and endures the pain, hoping that it would end soon.

The man became tired.

"Next time, I'm going to kill you and feed you to my dog."I swear to you."You filthy thief," he spat on the boy's face and walked out.

It's only a small piece of bread, but for the child, is it worth the beating?Yes, absolutely.He is indeed starving, but this bread is not for him.It's for his younger brother.

They haven't eaten in days, and his younger brother isn't doing well.

The child stands up, despite the discomfort all over his body.He can't see well since the blows have swallowed his eyes.

He ran with all his might to where his younger brother was waiting for him.

When he comes, his little brother's lifeless body is surrounded by rats and incest.His brother had passed away already.

But he's just a kid.He had no idea that his only brother has died.

"Shuuuuu.......go away....shuu....Shuu...leave my brother alone"
The child scared the rats and incest that tried to eat the lifeless body of the 5-year-old child.

He then approached his brother and took out the bread he had stolen, cleaning the dust from the bread.

"Brother, look at this."I found the food," he says innocently, showing it to his brother.

But the younger brother remains still and does not move an inch.

He shook his brother's cold body, assuming he was sleeping.

"Wake up.You sleepy head.You said that you are hungry."Look at the bread, it looks so delicious," he says innocently But his brother did not answer.

For a long period, the child attempted to wake up his brother.After a while, he gave up.

"You must be very tired."It's all right.I'll wait until you wake up.We'll eat together when you wake up, okay?I'm also sleepy."
He yawned and lay alongside his brother's corpse.

The pungent odor struck his nostrils.

"You have an odd odor, hehe..."

He laughed while looking at his tiny brother's pale face, then fell asleep from tiredness.

"This child has been dead for a long time, but this child is still breathing.""What should I do, young Duke?" the man asked the boy.

The noise startled him up.

He smelled a strong rotting odor emanating . it was coming from his younger brother.

He noticed the guy and a young person, who was a little older than him, looking at them with sad eyes.

"He wake up," the boy remarked.He looks gently at the confused child.

The child said nothing and just stared at the handsome boy in front of him.

"Let him get into the household and bury his brother," Young Derek ordered to his butler.

He pities that child.

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