ACADEMY DAYS-26(Benjamin Fortis)

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Diana, Benjamin's mother, is a lovely and beautiful being.She adored her only son, but she resented the man who brought him into the world, Benjamin's father, Grand Duke of Fortis Egale.She resents him with all her heart.It's amazing that she still loves the child of the man she hates.....

She was formerly a noble lady from a well-known family.She has everything: parents that adore her, money, and a fiance' who was her childhood lover.Everything was wonderful until she met Benjamin's father.

"Grand Duke Fortis, I will give you everything you want."Please do not take my daughter.She already has a fiance, and they are set to marry soon.
Please give me some more time."I will return all of your money."The count kneels on the ground, knowing that his daughter's life will be unhappy if she is forced to marry this cruel and cunning guy in front of him.

"Don't waste your breath, Count.I've already given you time.If you try to go against me, nothing good will come to you.Instead of accepting my offer when I was being sincere, you chose that jerk over me.Take a look at yourself!"Is that worth it?" smirked the grand duke of Fortis eagles, throwing the miserable old guy on the ground.

"Guard,escort Miss Diana to the carriage; if she resists, force her.""Kill anyone who gets in the way," he demands.

"No please ,Grandduke"The old man sobbed.
The Fortis Knights rush upstairs, where the countess and her daughter are hiding.After some while, they drag out the female who is desperately trying to flee.She screamed and cursed the knight who had just murdered her mother and was attempting to prevent her from being taken away.Her lovely long green hair is a mess.Her pale yellow gown is stained with the blood of her maid and mother.

"You murderer, release me."Mother.Mother......."She is crying from the bottom of her heart.She had just lost her mother.

The count, who was in disbelief and had just discovered what had happened to his wife from his daughter, who had gone insane.He roared.

The old guy took the sword of the knight who surrounded him and charged at the one who had caused this disaster.But the curel man's sword pierced his heart right away.The blood was splattered all over the floor.

"What a stupid man, you did have a chance to live," the grandduke says as he wipes the blood from his face.

Diana collapses on the floor like a broken doll after seeing what happened.She fell unconscious as a result of the shock.
Diana was forced to marry the man who murdered her own parents.

She attempted suicide several times but failed as the idea of being molested by the man whose hand was covered in her parents' blood disgusted and horrified her.

Benjamin's father set up the debt and caused the downfall of the count household.

At one of the social events, the grandduke of the most wealthy home in this empire falls for his mother's, he proposed marriage to the count household.The count, who knows how much his daughter adores her fiance, has graciously declined.

Another reason is that he is aware that Grandduke Fortis is a curel and has two wives.Many terrifying rumours are circulating about him.How can a father entrust his daughter to such a man?
But Grandduke was enraged by his refusal.As a result, he causes the count family business to fail with his dirty action, leaving the count in heavy debt.And with that, he got what he wanted.He is the type of person.A selfish, sneaky, and cunning person.

He didn't love my mother; he merely desired her as a possession.He even kept her lover and remaining servant as a captive, preventing her from committing suicide.

Diana's life at the houses was awful!She was bullied by Father's wives because she attracted unwanted attention from Benjamin's insane father, who was only interested in my mother's appearance.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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