ACADEMY DAYS-19(First day as a count )(18+)

978 37 2

"Who the hell are you guys, what do you want?" Albert exclaimed angrily at the boys who had suddenly attacked him.

The black haired lad is backing away from the other boys, preparing to fight back when the time is right.They are in the room with the ancient statue and painting.

They are unquestionably larger than the black hair boy.They have a wicked grin on their face.

"Hahaha you look so cute ,even in this situation you still act so strong," the marquess said as he slowly approached the young boy with his two companions trapping him in a corner.

Albert recognized these people.He noticed them in class this morning.Those are among those who degraded him with foul language.

'What in the world do they want now?'

"Relax, i will NOT hurt you."All of us just want to have some fun with you," the arrogant boy stated, looking at Albert's little figure with pervented eyes.Two other boys are grinning slyly.

Albert had not prepared what will happen to him in this Academy as a count that is extremely lower than his previous title.This noble society is really dangerous.When you are weak and have a low position, it is difficult to survive.Higher noble will pick on the lower ones.Nobody will come to help.You are all by yourself.

"Fuck off.Stop messing around,go fuck yourself" Albert growled irritably.

"Oh my, for someone like you to have such a shitty attitude."It doesn't suit your adorable face.I truly want to be gentle with you, but I think I need to be rough, grab him." He demands his two companions.

The two youngsters grabbed Albert's hand and tried to pin him down.They, however, misjudged Albert's strength.Albert fights back against them skillfully.Fight back by kicking one of the boys in the stomach.

"Don't Fucking touch me," Albert yelled, punching another with his fist.

"Well, you are such a wild one," the boy laughed.He truly believed that dealing with Albert would not be this difficult.He was speechless by Albert's fighting abilities.He certainly inherited the abilities of the strongest Knight Derek Hermas.Seeing his two companions being beaten up by Albert despite their larger size and amount of people.

"Useless trash," the youngster said as he observed his followers' failure to overpower Albert.

'I guess I'll have to do it myself,' he thought

'Are they serious?That's all they get.Weak.I never thought dealing with these brats would be so easy.'Albert punches one of the guys in the face, and another is already on his knees moaning in pain after being kicked in the face by Albert, and his eyes were hurt.

'After I take down this one, I have to deal with that guy,' Albert thought as he looked over to where the leader of the group was standing, his eyes widening.

'If he isn't there, then....'Albert noticed that someone is behind him now.But he was so late.

The young marquess vigorously swings the small statue of a woman figure against Albert 's head.

*Crack* A loud sound is heard.Albert's front head was hitten as he turned his back to gaze up the person who had secretly approached behind him as he was dealing with two boys.

The black haired boy instantly jumped up, holding his bleeding head that had been badly beaten by the stone statue.The two boys take advantage of the circumstance and confine Albert's body to the ground while firmly retaining his hand.

Albert was finally captured by them.He was on his knees on the ground, held by two boys.

"Let go of me, you bastards," Albert said fiercely as he struggled to break free.
"You whore, shut up."Give up already."The young marquess threw away the golden statue, which was drenched with Albert's blood.

"Young master, this one is a handful," the youngster grumbled.

"Haha, you're stronger than you look," the marquess said, grabbing Albert's face firmly.And then, displeased, he looked at the youngster who had just complained.

"If it wasn't for you, I'd have no idea how useless the people around me are," he said to Albert while looking at his two accompanies.

*Glup* the boy swallows his saliva, knowing that their leader was not pleased with their capabilities.He had better be quiet.The remaining boys are equally afraid to speak up because they know they have failed to fulfill his demand.

"Well, well, now shall we begin," the marquess replied as he ripped Albert's shirt.

*Clash *the faint noises of buttons being pressed against the cold stone floor could be heard.

"Bastard, don't touch me," Albert became horrified.he believes As his chest was fully exposed, the chilly sensation touched him.He made several attempts to break away.

"Look at your skin, it's paler and smoother than a girl's.""so pretty," the boys say, touching Albert's body with excitement.

"Your nipples are a bright pink color, which is very erotic."I totally see why those guys can't get enough of your slutty body."Who can resist this lewd body?" he remarked, violently squeezing Albert's nipple.

"Oh no......"Albert groans in pain.

"Fucking pervent, I'm going to kill you"Albert is in feeling uncomfortable.As a result of the harsh treatment, his nipples turned bright red.

Albert's mournful expression appears to have excited the youngster more.His lower part of the body was erect.

"Shit, I can't wait any longer," he murmured, kissing Albert's white and long neck and sucking it hungrily.His hand rubbed Albert's torso before moving down to Albert's pant and slipping inside the back.Then he grabbed Albert's soft butt cheeks, split them wide, and began to insert his finger into Albert's tight hole.

"Stop..."Albert whimpered and closed his eyes, which began to cry up.

He despised it and was horrified by it.His touch almost makes him vomit.Albert is sickened by his body odor.He never gets this unpleasant feeling when Noah is holding him.Albert almost puked when the guy started touching his lower body.
'Someone... someone help me.please'

He accidentally called out Noah's name.Albert can't believe it when his unconscious mind says that person's name.He doesn't believe it.
He resented the fact that when he was in danger the first person who came to mind was that lunatic.
"I've really gone insane," Albert said quietly causing the guy to come to a halt and glance at him.

"What exactly did you just say..."Before he could continue his sentence, Albert smacked his face with his head, knocking the man down on his back.

"Young master!!!!!"The two boys were distracted by that sense, and Albert took use of the chance to break himself from their grasp and race towards the door to flee.

"Get him," the teenager said aggressively to his two subordinates.

The two boys leave their leader, who is holding his wounded nose and groaning in pain, and chase the runaway boy.

Albert was able to successfully escape from them and disappeared from their sights in time.

Albert was now panting heavily and hiding behind a bookcase.

"Thanks goddess, they took the wrong path," Albert muttered, worn out.He leaned back against the bookshelves.The blood is trickling down his cheeks.He's a mess.His clothing are ripped, exposing his bare body.Luckily his pants are still on.He cannot allow anyone to discover him.At the moment, there is no one in the library.But it's not sure.A certain thing was there is no noble in this commoners library.This is also where Albert intends to come from the start.

There is no book that he is seeking for in Noble's library.

"I can't leave until those brats are completely gone, Fuck."Why are they assaulting me like this?It's fucking disgusting."And why the hell am I hoping for that jerk in this situation..haaaaa", Albert sighed.

*Thud...thud...thud* the approaching foot step."Did they discover me?" Albert was shocked and turned to face the person who approached him.

When he spotted that person's face.Albert can't believe what he's seeing.He can't believe his own eyes.

"It cannot be"

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