ACADEMY DAYS-17(A strange dream)

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The moon is shining brightly in the gloomy depression sky.The stars, like diamonds, shine brightly.

The forest is so quiet that only the running children's footstep and heavy breath can be heard.A boy and a girl run as fast as they can because they are terrified of being caught by someone.Their little body has been wounded by cuts and scratches.They're bleeding from running without shoes and stepping on the rough rock and bumps.But they don't mind the minor discomfort because they know that if they get caught, they will suffer the most awful misery.

"Aghhhhhh..." the girl cries in pain as her leg becomes entangled in the vines and she falls.

"Are you okay?"The boy grabs the girl and tries to help her stand up.Believing that that person will have enough time to track down the two of them.
They have to get away before they find out.

"I can't,"It hurts so much."Are we going to die....sob...sob," the terrifying girl murmured, tears welling up in her deep eyes. Her leg is no longer able to stand.The child comforted the shivering girl by embracing her with his small hand.He examines the girls' fractured ankle.

Even though the child feels scared and helpless, he hides his anxieties and fears in order not to freak out the girl.He then smiles brilliantly, assuring the girl that everything would be fine.
"Don't worry, you can do it." Everything will be OK.I will protect you.We'll make it to the road.You've got this."Come on," he said as he kneeled in front of her, intending to piggyback her.

As she climbed on the boy's back, the crying girl nodded.The boy began to run as fast as he could while carrying the girl.However, because the boy's physique is so frail and tired.His legs began to give out and both of them fell to the muddy ground.

"Brother......"Two of them are now in trouble.The kid is worn out, and it is difficult for him to carry the girl and walk again.But he has to.

"Sorry.....I trip over, let's go," he says, gripping his teeth and attempting to carry the girl once more.Then he noticed the light of a flashlight coming from place a little further away from them.

His heart is racing as he realizes it is them.They are looking for them.The girl's face also turns pale as she realizes what is going on.

The boy immediately grabs the girl and quickly hiding in the bushes.However, the light is getting closer and closer, as is the voice that the two of them are familiar with.The two children are now scared to death, knowing that not even God can save them.

The men had dogs tracking their scent.Even if they hide, the boy knows they will eventually be found.So he simply has a single option.He is unconcerned about himself; all he worries about is the little girl who is now hugging him.Her body is freezing and trembling from fear.He has to protect her.He let go of the little hands that had tightly gripped his hand.The tiny child was puzzled and staring at the boy with wide eyes.

"Listen, I'm going to distract them and run.""You hide in here without making a sound until they are away from you and you are safe" the child stated with as much quiet as he could.

"No, please don't go"The girl begs him while holding onto the boy's hand, realizing he is sacrificing himself.

The footstep is getting closer, and the voice is getting louder.He realizes he no longer has time.

He smiled beautifully and kissed the girl's forehead gently for the last time, knowing he had barely any chance to survive.

"I promise you, I will come back," the boy tells the sobbing girl, knowing she won't allow him go unless he tells her this lie, and then he removes her hand from around him.Despite the fact that the girl is trying to grab him back.She can't able to stop him in time.The child ran out of the bushes in front of the scary men who were finding them with rage.

"He's there.You little brat"Follow him..."He alarms other men" if I catch you, you're dead meat."one of the men with fresh scars on his face cried loudly and began chasing the boy dangerously.

*Bark bark bark* The dogs are barking and attempting to break free from the men who are holding them back so they can chase the young kid, and their saliva is dripping uncontrollably.longing to devour the fresh juicy meat of the child, as their master always feeds them.

"Don't let the fucking dogs kill him.He is all mine."I'll kill him with my own hands," the man said.So the other man listen to him and pulls the chain of the starving dogs eager to attack the boy.

The boy runs as hard as he can to keep them away from the girl.

A lot of sweat is dripping from his the forehead, but his body is freezing and he can't breathe properly.His heartbeats are chaotic and loud.His dizziness and lightheadedness increased.His vision had gotten blurry.At this rate, he'll be caught.
If he is captured, he will be tortured until he dies.He would right away die than be captured."They are now pretty far away from the girl. The boy was at ease.His main purpose has now been accomplished. He runs with all of his strength towards the cliff front of him.

The man reached out his hand, intending to grab the boy's neck.Before he can grab the boy, he jumps from the edge without hesitation.

Albert was startled awake from his sleep due to the feeling as if he had actually fallen from the cliff in his dream.He then tries to calm down.The dream is so real that it feels like it's happening in real life.

"Who are these kids? I don't remember their faces.There is a necklace that little girl wearing.I feel like I have seen it before,haa...."Albert moans as his head aches,"What a strange dream," Albert says as he gets out of bed and grabs a glass of water.His hands are still trembling from the unpleasant feelings from his dream.He can only recall a few things.He fails to recall every scenes of the dream despite his best efforts.

"What is that?" Albert wonders as he feels sadness in his chest.

Albert stares through the window as a ray of sunlight enters the room

"It's already morning?"Albert stated coldly as he watched the sun slowly rise into the blue sky.

Today is the day Albert returns to class after a long absence.If he hadn't met Victoria that day, he would have abandoned school and left everything behind, but he now has things to do at this Academy.He can't leave this hellhole yet.

Actually, he thought he didn't have to stop Victoria from destroying this awful world.But something inside his head keep telling him to stop her.He has no idea what that is.

Last but not least, he must discover why Victoria holds such a wrath against him.

"Haaaa...I just want everything to be over," Albert said hoping nothing bad will happen today.

(This is the final chapter of the week.I'm not sure when I'll be able to write again since my holidays are over🥲🥲🥲.I have to get ready to get back to work😭 .Thank you so much to everyone for reading my novel🥰🥰🥰.I really means it🥺.For the time being, bye-bye until we meet again.I love you all💕💕💕)

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