(Chapter-16)I hope it was just a dream

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Albert woke up from his sleep.The bedroom is dark he hold his walking stick and stand up.He looks through the window and saw the light from his father's office.His whole heart started to tremble and fill with hope.

"Yes it was just a nightmare,yes it is"he even dropped his walking stick and with defected legs he run out of his room.
'Father, mother please be there 'tell me with your own mouth that what happened all are just I am dreaming.Please be a dream'

Albert fell down a lot ,his knees are full with wounds but he can't feel any pain at all.in his mind all was filled with the certainty that his parents are still alive and he was just having nightmare.He run to his father office like a madman.Hoping that when he opened the door , his father was sitting on his chair while reading newspaper and his mother was beside him and ready to smile at him fill with warmth when he goes in .With a lot of hope he opened the door,but his hope was shattered.The truth is
The head butler and maids are lightened the room and try to clear the passed away duke's things.
"Young master"they all look at Albert with suprise eyes.
Albert looks so disappointed by the scene.He can't accept it but he need to.But he just.....

"Leave the room,I want to be here alone"
Albert said.He was trying his best to keep his shaking voice.Everyone get out except Albert.
Albert uncontrollably fall down on the because in the original story his parents were never killed,They were being killed because of him.Because of him,the original story was changed.He was the reason why his parents dies.'It Were not for me they will not die.Albert's heart was filled with guilty and sadness.
He felt like his heart is going to break into pieces.He can't breathe properly.
'It was so hurt.God are you playing with me.If you going to take back why you still give me in the first place.Why!I haven't make my father proud.I still haven't tell how much I love them and thankful for meeting with them.Why the world is so unfair.I just want to be loved and live peacefully.Still why?Please give them back.I am willing to do everything. I am begging you'the tears are starting to come out.Albert bitting his lips as trying to hold back his voice.

"Where is he?"Noah shouted at Butler with angry tone as they trying to stop him from seeing Albert.
He was away these days because of the foreign issues at Other country.
When he heard the news of Albert family 's dead,he left everything behind and rush back to Albert.He worried his Al will be in danger.

Beautiful platinum hair are in mess but that make him more handsome.He was in his outfit for business.It was so obvious that he was come back as soon as he heard the news.
"I deeply apologize young master Noah but Young master Albert doesn't wish to see any one"
Noah becomes more angry and grabbing the head butler's cloth with one hand and pulling closer to him.
"Where the fuck he is"his eyes were filled with madness and he looks like he doesn't mind killing him.
The servants who first time seeing this side of Noah make them frightened and shaking with fear.
"He was in the duke's office"
Francis said as he knows Noah will make  hold back until he see Albert.Noah looks at Francis.Without saying anything back,He throw The poor butler on to the floor.Without any care of what other people seeing his Hidden behaviour he rushed to the duke's office.
"Please don't make young master suffer,he is really hurt right now"Francis said with cold tones.
"That's none of your business "Noah said with dangerous tone.

When Noah open the door he saw his beloved crying silently.His eyes are red and trying to hold back his voice by bitting his plump lips.the blood from the lips can be seen.This scenes make his heart hurt.
Albert knows someone was approached him.He knows exactly who he was.
Noah sit down on his one knee.holding up the crying boy's face to see more clear.He gently rubbing Albert's tears.
"No need to hold back yourself,cry as much as you want"Noah hold Albert 's trembling body and let Albert's face rest into his chest.Conforting crying boy gently.
Albert can't hold back anymore and hug tightly back Noah and cried out loud.
"Wah......wah........mom........ father......"

Francis who was standing Infront of the door can hear Albert 's cries clearly.

Noah feel nothing about Derek and Maria's death.He knows them and they treated him like their own son.but he just pretending around them because of Albert.So he feel neither sadness nor empathy.For him everyone except Albert is just a living creatures that will die someday.But seeing Albert is in pain much pain make him angry and heartbroken.He will surely find the ones who killed them and make them pay for making Albert cry like he did to Sebastian.The only person who can make Albert cry should be him.

"Don't worry.Al.I will surely kill those bastards who killed your parents"
Noah said with determined face.
Albert just keep crying in the Noah's chest.
This is the first time he feel safe and comfortable being with Noah.
He doesn't want to let him go.He held Noah like he was the only person left in his world.For Albert in this world,the people that he has were his parents and Noah.Now his parents left him.He only left Noah.He despite Noah for his wrong doing.But deep in his heart,he strongly attached to Noah.It that either hate or love.He doesn't know.All he knows it this psychopath who obsessed with him has unknowingly become his world.

Albert cried for many hours.He feel exhausted and fall asleep in Noah wide chest.Noah carried sleep boy gently and kiss his forehead affectionately.He then looks at the portrait of Derek and Maria for a while and he get out from the room.

"Now,his parents are dead.so you can't held him back from running from you"
Francis said with smirk as he was leaning against the wall.
Noah looks him with threatening eyes.but don't say anything and left.
"It was your doing?"
"Sir Francis I know your the teacher of My Al,but don't cross the line"
Noah stopped and said without looking back.
"And why would I killed them when having them alive have more advantages for me"the deadly handsome tall man said with cold gaze and left while carrying unconscious boys.

Of course They were the only reason why Albert can't leave Noah.So why would Noah will kill them?

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