(Chapter -5)A new Friend

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As Albert come back from garden and
went back into the hall,He throw away his blood coat but the blood handprint that he get from the dead girl grab his leg still on his pants.He can't hold back anymore his legs started to shake and getting dizzy .His father cannot be found anywhere at all.His head is ringing with
the voice of the girl's begging.He want to vomit.He bumped into some people but He can't care about that anymore.He just want to be in a safe place away from that psycho.Finally he found the empty guest room and without hesitation,he just rush in.He sat at the corner of the room and cried out loud.After a while after he cried he heard someone came into the room .The steps are getting nearer.Albert afraid that would be Sebastian.

'Is he pissed of from what I said and followed me,I have to protect myself'but he heard a little voice .

"Are you okay,I saw you are not feeling well in the hall so I followed you.Did someone hurt you"he said with concern voice .       

Albert raised his head and look carefully the boy in front of him .He looks at Albert shyly.He look so small compare to Albert.His blue eyes and light blonde hair that reached his neck
.If he doesn't wear shorts and fancy coat ,he can definitely mistaken as a girl.

"Here is handkerchief"he takes out from his pocket and gives it to Albert and sit beside Albert silencely.The atmosphere between two boys is kind of awkward.After a long silence.Albert started to talk.

"What do you want from me"
"No no I don't have any bad intention I just..."
"Don't make a silly excuse,even if you see someone don't seem well,will you just follow that follow that person,Do you think I am such an idiot?"
The other boys started to tearing up from getting yelled at by Albert.Albert started to feel sorry.
"I just want to be friend with you.when you come in the hall you look so beautiful and cool.I want to be friend with but you disappeared and after a while you come back and don't look too well so I followed you to check.I...I....wahhhhhhhhhh😭"

Albert feel so terrible when the other boys cried because of his words and also feel like his pride was hurt because he was being told (BEAUTIFUL ) by same gender.

"Hey don't cry I misunderstood you don't cry". 'Fuck I don't know how to deal with a crying kid'

"You said you want to be my friend Right?I will be your friend okay.stop crying."
"Really*sob* sob* then promise " he looked so happy and see Albert with puppy eyes
"Yes yes I  promise, Right now wipe your snot it's so disgusting "
The other boy embarrassed by Albert's remark and hurriedly take the  handkerchief and clear his nose.

"So from today we have become friends right?"
"Sure whatever"Albert answered indifferently.
But Albert has to admit that this blue hair boy is so cute. 

"I will introduce my name first,My name is Noah Campbell from blue whale house hold.Please take care of me." with cute smile.
'What the hell, 😱 He is one of the guy I surely need to avoid ,well among all these psycho I think he has more stable mind than others he did not want to hurt male lead he just want to be loved by male lead,but after male lead rejected him.He has gone wild.Other than raping he never torment male lead .After male lead die he become guilty for not able to save the male lead,in the end he become depressed and suicide.He is the only person who really loved the male lead and regret for what he did unlike other bastard.He is kind of pitiful .If I can cure his madness a little.After all the real reason of his madness started from his loneliness.His parents were died when he was still a baby and left alone in this world with his grandfather.His grandfather neglected him so he grown up without knowing what is love.When male lead take care of him he become so obsessed with him.That is the start of their twisted love story.I think I can fix it.I hope so.'

"ert...Bert.... ALBERT "
"Sorry I was lost in my thoughts what are you saying?"
" Actually I was asking you that can I call you Albert"Noah said shyly.

As he look at the boy with big eyes in front of him , Albert felt sorry for him and decided to help him.

"Well if you want you can call me "Al",I have to go now my father will looking for me."Albert went out from the room.

Behind him Noah muttering his name again and again and smile scarily.Albert didn't saw Noah's terrible facial expression.

"What are you doing Noah, aren't you coming." Albert came back and ask him.
"Sorry,Al I am coming "Noah hurriedly followed Albert.

"Where are you, Albert.Do you know how much I worried about you?I told you to stay here and.."When Derek saw Albert's puffy eyes.He stopped his scolding ".
"Just don't do it again,you look so tried, Let 's go home and who is this young man."
"Sorry great master of Hermas, pardon my rudeness, I am Noah Campbell.I am friend of Al"
"Al well well I think someone got a friend, little Noah will you come and visit  Albert in the future,Hermas household will always open the door for you."
"Th... Thank you very much sir"
"Ha ha...then please excuse this old man and this ungrateful brat"

Albert just stay silent and followed his father.

"Are you going to go back Albert Hermas .Are not you going to say goodbye to me.It's really hurt."
Sebastian smirked and come towards Hermas.

"Young master Sullivan, Sorry for leaving so early,my son doesn't feel very well."
"Really,Are you okay Albert you look so pale"
"Young master do you know my son"
"Yes we have interesting talk and I really like his logics.I really wish to see you again and show you my beautiful collection "

Albert started to pissed off  but he control his anger and didn't want to show his feelings."I will looking forward to that day sir Sullivan, right now please excuse us" Albert and his father disappeared from his sight.

"Sebastian,here you are,mother is looking for you,Do you like my gift."
"Yes mother,I really like it after all pink eyes are surely rare.but other than that I found a beautiful thing tonight"
"Really which part eyes or hands or...."
"Everything mother, everything.everything about him is really beautiful.I want to keep him so bad"
"Oh my ,he must be really lucky boy"

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