ACADEMY DAYS-4(A letter)18+

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The classroom is full of students.
In 20 minutes, the first period will begin.

When Albert entered the classroom, he noticed that the noise had stopped and that everyone's attention was focused on him.The main character is not in this classroom because this is a class for nobles learning how to be proper heirs. Albert, in reality, has no chance of being in the same class as the main character as MC is a magician. So this class is uninteresting. Right now, he feels like he has returned to high school..of his previous life.
'I fucking despise situations like this.'

Even though he is in another life, he can sense similarities to his previous life.

Especially those hateful eyes staring at him like a strange creature.

But he doesn't give a damn.

He calmly searches for a location where he can get out of sight of everyone. He made his way to the last row of seats beside the window. He can only hear the sound of his walking stick hitting the floor.

The black haired boy ignores all the stares and takes a seat away from the other students, clearly indicating that he is not a friendly person.

Albert stares out the window, reflecting on the previous night.

When Noah is having sex with Albert, the carrier magical bird of Noah appears on the window. (To exchange letters, they use a magical hybrid bird, the magical creature that Noah owns has Blue feathers with yellow striations. His eyes are eagle-like, but his features are horned owl-like.)

Noah appears to be irritated that he was interrupted while fucking his cute Al.

He pulls out his manhood, which is completely filling Albert's small hole.

Albert's swollen hole spews a large amount of sperm.

Albert was dripping wet with sweat and cum and panting heavily. He's completely exhausted after five hours of Noah's torment. But Noah appears to be sweat-free and refreshed.

Albert notices Noah walking towards the window and takes the letter from the hybrid bird's legs.

"Good boy," Noah said as he stroked the bird's head.

The bird appears pleased by his master's praise and rubs Noah's large hand with his head.

Wow, this insane man caring for an animal is a sight to behold, I didn't know Noah had this kind of side' Albert peeps Noah from his bed.
Even though his body lacks the strength to move in inches, at least his head can.
ALBERT's body was covered in bite marks and love marks.
'as he was a dog in a previous life, that fucker likes to bite my flesh until it bleeds, crazy mother Fucker'Albert thought as he feels the pain.

Noah took his time reading the letter.

Albert was serious about the information in that Letter because he noticed Noah's displeasure as he read the context in the letter. The evidence is a frown between his brows.
After completing his reading, Noah destroyed the evidence by burning the letter with flames emanating from his hand.
He is an extremely thorough individual.
The bird flew away after Noah burned the letter and was certain he had finished reading.

"You seem to be interested in my letter, Al."

Albert was convinced that Noah was not looking at him the entire time, but he appears to notice Albert's interest in that letter.
He was caught.

"Is there anything I should be worried about in that letter?"
"So, do you want to know?"
Noah climbed onto the bed and lay on top of Albert's naked body, kissing once more.

"Even I stated that I wanted to..
Will you tell me? "He knows the answer already.
Albert realizes Noah was just teasing him.
Albert is aware that something is wrong with the letter.

Albert shifted his gaze to the other side, avoiding Noah's smirking expression.

"Are you mad at me?"Noah asked.

Noah is amused by Albert's adorable behavior.

He then placed his chin on Albert's neck.

"AL, I have to leave for a while because I have some business to attend to."


It wasn't in the original story.

Noah never left the school except once to take a male lead to his mansion.

'What happened?'

Albert was stunned.
'Is that because of the magician he captured? It might be a good opportunity for Albert to find out.
Furthermore, he will have time to himself.'

"I don't want to leave your side, Al.I will come back as soon as I finish my business So Be a good boy and wait for my return, okay?"

Noah said as he stroked Albert's dark hair.
Albert is still looking at the other side.

Whatever," Albert replied, as if he didn't care, but he was overjoyed by the good news.

Noah stopped caressing Albert's hair, as if he was annoyed by some thoughts.His face change.
"Aghhh," Albert whimpers, his face pained.
Noah abruptly grabs Albert's hair and forces him to face him.

"Don't you dare to seduce another man while I'm not around, and don't you dare to do anything stupid like flee.If you do, I will be furious,Al.You know how it irritates me, like the last time"

Noah spoke in a threatening tone. His ice blue eyes are filled with jealousy and insanity. Noah does not want to leave Albert, but he cannot tell Albert what he has been up to. He was confident, however, that Albert would not sit idle.

'You're revealing your true self, Bastard.'
Albert must admit that Noah's insane side causes his body to shake with fear.

When Albert fails to respond to Noah's question, his grip tightens.
"I will be a good boy," Albert said, knowing Noah didn't have the patience to wait.

"Don't let me down, Al. If not, I have no idea what I will do to you." Noah relaxed his grip and resumed kissing. Then he keeps fucking Albert all night. Albert never gets a chance to rest. The room was filled with the sound of love.

When Albert awoke in the morning, Noah had already left.
'It must be an emergency.'

Albert jumped out of bed and ran towards the table, despite the fact that his entire body was in pain.

He penned a letter.

He then walks over to the windows and whistles as if he's calling for something.

After a few minutes, the black bird emerges from the Academy's deep forest and flies towards Albert.

He then fell on Albert's hand.

Dusk is Albert's messenger bird. He has the appearance of a crow but is much larger than a real crow.

"How are you, Dusk?"Albert cares the bird's neck.Dusk is the present from his father Derek when Albert was 14 years old.

Albert sneaks his bird away from Noah into Academy.

He requires this bird to exchange letters with Francis, his devoted knight and teacher.

He must discover what Noah is up to.

He must direct Francis to follow Noah and discover the secret that Noah is hiding.

"For Sir Francis," the bird appears to understand what Albert is saying as they are high intelligence magical creatures,Dusk grabs the letter with his claw before flying out the window.'

Albert stares at the bird until it is completely out of his sight, hoping that Francis will receive the letter as soon as possible.

Albert is dressed in his Academy uniform and preparing to attend class.So that's why right now,Except for those who appear surprised by Noah's absence, he is sitting here alone and peacefully.

He sat quietly waiting for the class to begin until he was interrupted by someone.

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