ACADEMY DAYS-1(The story began)

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The luxurious carriage came to a halt in front of the massive gate. The well-decorated door bore the crest of CLANWARDS Academy, a mythical beast golden Griffin.
The guards standing in front of the gate saw the Blackwolf household crest and opened the gate without hesitation or further questions.
Of course, who doesn't know one of their country's highest nobles' households?
The sky is overcast and dark.
There is no sunlight to be seen.
That is the weather at CLANWARDS ACADEMY on a daily basis.
Not only was the sky dark and quiet, but so was the environment around the Academy.
The carriage came to a halt in front of the academy, which is twice the size of the palace.
There were also numerous carriages arriving from various households.The academy ground was filled with students.Judging from their outfits,you can easily differentiate who are nobles or commoners.

The academy grounds were packed with students. You can tell who is a noble or a commoner by their clothing.

The Blackwolf household carriage came to a halt, and the servant stepped down and opened the carriage door.

The handsome man emerged, and everyone was taken aback by his stunning appearance.

Even some nobles blushed and almost fainted at the sight of the beautiful boy with platinum blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes.

Noah was that boy.

It was unexpected to see BLUE WHALE's young master emerge from BLACK WOLF's carriage.

It's understandable given that he is now the fiance of Black Wolf's young master.

Wow, it was really him, Noah Campbell."
"He is very attractive, and I have heard that he is a very powerful magician."
"He has a lot of scary rumors about him" "He is a really dangerous guy"
A large number of students are whispering to one another.
Noah can hear them, but he doesn't care.
All he cares about is the boy in front of him.
He extends his hand to the boy in the carriage.
Albert holds his hand and steps out of the carriage, holding the decorated walking stick.
"Is that the rumored Black Wolf's young master?"
"This is the first time I've seen him."
"Was that incident responsible for his leg?"

"He never showed up at the social gathering, but he's kind of cute." "Have you heard about Duke and Duchess Hermas?"

Albert is irritated by the other people's stares and whispers.

'Seriously, I can hear you all.' He despises being the center of attention.

"Are you nervous?"

Noah pokes fun at his little boy, who was looking down and trying hard not to make eye contact with the people who were staring at them.

"He never appeared at the social gathering,he is kinda cute " "Have you already heard about Duke and duchess Hermas"

No, why would I be nervous?" Albert retorted quickly and angrily.
'Oh my God, why is my baby Al so cute, he is still a bad liar?'
Noah laughs at the pouting boy.
He clutched Albert's small hand tightly and leaned down to kiss Albert on the lips in front of everyone.
Albert was stunned and froze.
Everyone was stunned and shocked by what they had just witnessed.
After a while, Albert pushed Noah's chest and rubbed his lips.
His entire face was as bright red as a tomato.
Right now, all he wants to do is dig a hole and hide in it.

"What's the matter with you, Noah? Have you gone insane? "Albert kept his voice low, not wanting to be heard by the people watching them.
"I'm sorry, Al, but it's your fault you're so cute,haha."
Noah laughs as if nothing happened.
Albert wishes he could slap his laughing face.
*shameless jerk*

Noah purposefully kissed Albert in front of everyone.

He wanted everyone to know Albert was his, and it was a clear warning to others not to mess with what was his.

The well-dressed boy, one of the academy's male servants, approached Noah and Albert and bowed his head in respect. (Academy has a large number of maids and man servants. Nobles refer to them as Academy dogs. It's a little cruel. They were mistreated. They are responsible for serving royals and nobles but are not required to serve commoners. They were mistreated because they were war slaves. They have a magic collar around their neck that distinguishes them from regular maids and servants, and if they try to flee or defy their master's orders, they will be instantly killed by the magic emitted by the collar. Nobles are also permitted to bring their own butler, maid, and servants.)

Albert feel sorry when he saw the black collar with purple jem in the middle of it.on the boy's neck.He look same age as him.
"Welcome to the CLANWARDS ACADEMY,Master Campbell and Master Hermas allow me to show you around the academy."the boy humbly spoke.Albert saw the boy's emotionless eyes but he still put his smile.What a curel world.
"No need,just lead me to the dormitory.My Al seemed tired"

'how did he know,is that very obvious 'Albert looks at Noah's face with questioning face.
"This way,master Campbell "
The boy leads the way into the academy building.The other servants carried their luggages.Noah lock his hand with Albert's hand.Albert was embarrassed but he doesn't dare to escape his hand from Noah's hand grip.He knows Noah will not like it.He silently follow Noah.

"Wow two of them look good together"
"Lord Noah seems to really fond of Lord Albert"
"But Lord Albert seems like...."
"Like what?"The gossiping nobles boy were look frightened by the boy who was standing behind them and interput their conversation.
"Lord Benjamin"they felt scared by Benjamin's presence.Benjamin put his hand around the scared boy's neck.The handsome green hair boy with golden eyes smile sweetly act harmless but they know That is just an act.The boy was shaking as he doesn't not what will happen to him if he says the wrong thing.The other boy doesn't dare to help his friend.He decided to tell the truth to the devil.
"I....l.m. mean he he...he looks like he doesn't like lord Noah"
'I am dead, father and mother I so sorry that I gives you guys nothing but the troubles this whole 16years,I think this is my last day of my life🥲'
"Really you think so"
Benjamin smile scarily and suddenly he laughed.
"Hahaha ,Yes I also think so.You have a good eyesight"Benjamin laughing and hit the boys back as he was satisfied with his answer.
"I better go,bye kid"

After Benjamin leave the two poor guy and walk ,A lot of girl surrounded around Benjamin.
"Lord Benjamin,I miss you so much"
" Why don't you come to my party"
Girls and also boys are crazy over their beautiful and charming prince Benjamin.Well Benjamin is a typical play boy.Not only Girls but also boys are fall in love with his handsomeness and sweet words.
"Sorry ,I was busy with my works, Of course how can I forget about you all"
"Aghhh lord Benjamin,you are so handsome "The Academy compus was filled with Benjamin's fangirl and boy's voices.

"Wow he is really popular,are you okay "
The guy helps his friend who was still in shock.
"I still alive, thanks god" the frightened boy fall down on ground.
"What the hell,did you pee?"the guy was suprise by his friend's wet pant.Well it is normal to scare that person .
'He is merciless killer,he won't think twice to kill you ,He is a dangerous man, Benjamin Ford'


At the first floor of the Academy building,A woman standing at the window.Black hair and brown eyes,she doesn't have the same feature of the people in this world.Of course she is not from here,she came from a really far away land called Japan that doesn't exist in the world.She smile satisfiedly.

Victoria sat down on the luxury chair and cross her legs.She held the documents on the table and smile mysteriously.
"ALBERT HERMAS,what a good name.Although I prefer your old name,ALEX."
"So he is the one you're talking about "
The man who was standing against the wall spoke with low voice.His face can't be see as the shadows was covering his face.Victoria approach the man seductively and cares his cheeks

"Yes,my love.He is the one"

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