ACADEMY DAYS-21(Sleepless nights)(18+)

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From Noah's perspective,

Noah approaches the classroom slowly, knowing that Albert is present.He is hesitant to enter, but he is desperate to see his little angel's face.Only when the boy is doing well can he feel at rest.When Albert was imprisoned, the shadows he had commanded to look after him vanished without a trace.Noah knows that no one can easily defeat his magic; the person who did this can compete with his might.Who the hell is that?Is it that woman named Victoria?What does she want from Al?I'm not going to allow her hurt Al.

He can no longer check on Albert's condition because of that.Of course, he sent more shadows after Albert, but he feels as though they are all absorbed by some unknown source whenever they get close to Albert.He began to feel uneasy, knowing that someone was probably keeping an eye on Albert, just like him.If he has the ability, he would like to imprison Al somewhere safe, perhaps in the past.But he can't risk losing Al now.He does not want to hurt the boy any longer.So, until Albert allows him to approach him again, he will protect him from distance.

Noah enters the noisy classroom.Everyone fell silent as he stepped into the room.

Noah's stunning blue eyes were drawn to a boy seated in the far corner of the room, away from the other students who were admiring him.
They make eye contact, but the boy hastily moves his gaze away from him.It causes Noah's heart to ache.

'Al!Do you despise me so much that you avoid making eye contact with me?'Noah feel really upset.

Noah takes a seat across from Albert, knowing that Albert is clearly uncomfortable because of his presence.Except for Albert, Noah leaned down on his table, fully ignoring everyone else's existence.Slowly, he closes his eyes.Albert's presence alone calms him down.He immediately fell asleep.

Noah hasn't had any sleep for days.He can't sleep when Albert isn't around.He was totally addicted to his young boy's little and soft body, radiating the lovely wild flower smell.He used to enjoy inhaling Albert's lovely aroma and playing with Albert's silky hair, who had passed out from an intense sex encounter.He always clutched Albert's body tightly, feeling his warmth and quiet heartbeat make him feel as if he has all he could possibly want.Noah doesn't need anything else; all he wants is Albert.Nothing matters as long as he can have his little guy, his whole universe.He are never going to let Albert leave him.He will not stop to change himself until Albert is satisfied.

'Please come back to me,Al.I am really going to crazy without you'

Noah had a dream, he dreamed the first time he met the most precious person in his life.He recalls Albert's most lovely smile while looking at him with his adorable large eyes in past.It was love at first sight.It's the first time his cold heart wall has softened.He feels he has found the meaning of his life.He felt like he has been looking for him for a long time.His heart was imprinted with the image of this smile.But it's the first and last time Albert smiles while being with him; now he realises how much he's done wrong.He never saw Albert smile like that to him in these years.He want to see that smile again.

Even Albert remembered that day, although he had no idea the child he met was Noah.Noah has no intention to tell Albert that he is the boy with the orange hair.

'Meeting with me could be like a curse to you, but meeting with you feels like the most beautiful blessing to me.........'


As he awoke from his sleep, Noah cursed himself.He slept so long that it's now evening.

'Al, where is Al?' the platinum blonde hair boy questioned as he hastily rushed towards the entrance.

"Oh, Lord Noah!!! "Please wait," Phillips hurriedly asked as he followed Noah.Noah returns his gaze to the boy who had followed him.
Actually, Phillips has spent the entire time admiring Noah's sleeping face from a seat a little further away from where Noah is since he knows it's not a good idea to sit alongside Noah.

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