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"How the hell did you guys manage to make such a mess?"

I stare at the disaster in front of me; sauce and cheese all over the counter, and somehow, Niall and Harry.  I put my hands on my hips, watching Niall carefully put the now assembled pizzas into the oven while I contemplate all of my life choices.

"To be fair," Niall says as he slowly closes the oven, turning to face me, "I did tell you making me and Harry cook would be a bad idea."

"When you said bad idea, I thought you meant that you'd put the wrong ingredient or set something on fire, not that you'd mess around the whole time and create a disaster zone," I say with a huff, making my way over to the sink to start cleaning up. I continue talking while I wash my hands and begin cleaning the counters, "you literally had premade dough and everything, all we had to do was put the toppings on and this still happened." I gesture at the mess of the kitchen, hearing Harry stifling a laugh from beside my brother.

I shoot a look at him, silently asking what was so funny, but as soon as we made eye contact he glances away- just like he'd done earlier this evening. I found myself unexplainably drawn to his eyes, desperately wanting to drown in the emerald sea of his gaze. But every time I caught a glimpse of the feeling, he was quickly snapping away, breaking the eye contact just as quickly as it started. He opens his mouth to say something but stops himself before the words come out, instead deciding to move toward me and start helping clean the counters.

"You guys fine if I get stuff set up for the movie while you clean?" Niall asks, already on his way out of the kitchen. Both Harry and I hum in response, continuing to wipe the counters down. As soon as Niall is out of the room, I find myself staring at Harry and watching him clean.

Facing away from me, I watch the way his muscles flex while he wipes the counter down, his free hand gripping the counter for leverage. I can't take my eyes off of him, my gaze locked on his movements as he does something so simple, yet somehow so mind fuckingly hot.

God, he's so fucking hot.

I got so distracted checking him out that I didn't even notice him turn around. By the time my gaze finally made its way back up, I found his enticing eyes staring back at me and a cocky smirk across his face. This time, he doesn't break the eye contact. He stares right back at me, only moving to shift his stance, leaning back against the counter and crossing his arms over his chest.

We stand in silence for a moment, our soft breaths being the only sound as our eyes stay locked together. Finally, Harry breaks the silence, but he's quickly cut off by my brother yelling from the hallway as he makes his way back toward us.

"I ha-"

"Alright guys," Niall huffs, setting a pile of blankets and pillows on the couch, "what movie are we watching?"

I let out a frustrated sigh, quickly turning away from Harry to pretend I was cleaning while Niall was gone. "I don't know, we can always decide later too," I tell him, forcing my frustration away and smirking at him, "I still have to kick your asses in Uno first."

"We're gonna be playing all night if that's the case, you are not winning," Harry says from behind me, quickly capturing my attention.

"He's right, we're automatic allies if it comes down to it, roommate rules," Niall agrees half-jokingly.

"Sure," I say through a low laugh, something suddenly catching my eye. "Let's have some fun though." I smile at my own idea as I reach across the counter, grabbing the bottle of vodka Niall and I bought earlier. Niall's expression immediately drops, but before he can deny the idea, Harry's already agreeing.

"I'm down, we still have all night ahead of us." As the words leave his mouth, I feel him come up behind me and lazily wrap his arm around my shoulder. It's a gesture that could easily be played off as friendly, but both of us know it's anything but that when the simple feeling of his touch is immediately igniting a spark in me, my entire body engulfed in a tingling sensation.

I expect myself to freeze, but something about the feeling is just so comfortable, I find myself naturally giving in and melting into his side as he subtly steps closer. I look up at him, seeing a grin matching my own plastered on his face, "automatic allies, huh?" I tease, looking back at Niall. Harry lets out a laugh and Niall gives him a playful glare, and I can't help but smile as I feel the vibrations from his chest.

As much as I don't want to, I pull myself away from Harry quick enough to make it seem like it really was just a friendly move, silently praying Niall doesn't pay any attention to it. "Well then," I start walking toward the living room, "let's get this shit started, shall we?"

Harry was right, we did end up playing all night. After a quick google search, we ended up playing drunk Uno and wound up tipsy by the end of the first game. We messily ate our pizzas, quickly deciding to throw more alcohol in the mix and cracking into the case of beer we got at the store earlier, too. We've played 2 more games since then, and I'm definitely drunk, but this is probably the most fun I've had in a very long time.

"No fair," Niall whines when Harry plays a skip card, signaling him to take another shot and making it my turn. With a shitfaced grin, I stare at Harry as I play my second to last card, a draw four. He hangs his mouth open in shock at my play, meaning he has to take two more shots and hope I don't win. I burst out laughing at his reaction, the alcohol in my system making everything ten times funnier.

Niall lets out a groan, unable to play anything and I put down my last card, finally kicking both of their asses. "Hell yeah," I taunt, absolutely no hesitation in my cheers of victory. I sit up on my knees, pointing at them while I continue bragging like I didn't lose the last three games, "I told you I'd kick your fucking asses."

Niall playfully rolls his eyes at me and I see Harry move in the corner of my eye. When I turn to look at him, I see him holding the almost empty bottle of vodka as he stands over me with a smirk plastered on his face. I look up at him, quirking a brow at him as my drunken mind immediately goes to dirty thoughts given our position. His expression tells me he's thinking the same thing, but he quickly distracts me as he lifts the bottle in question, "how 'bout a celebratory shot, then, temptress?" His voice comes out so low, the sound of the raspiness alone almost has me folding, ready to throw everything Niall's said out the window.

Instead, I smile up at him, opening my mouth and sticking my tongue out, allowing him to pour the burning liquid straight into my mouth. When he stops pouring, I swallow the alcohol, my eyes never leaving his as I slowly lick my lips. I'm so drunk at this point, I don't even feel the burn of the alcohol anymore, only feeling increasingly dizzy as it enters my bloodstream.

And horny...dizzy and very. fucking. horny.

I watch Harry turn away from me, finally allowing myself to toss my head back and let out a quiet groan, a mix of frustration and relief. When I look back up, he's staring at me once again, the look on his face telling me he definitely heard me, but there's not an ounce of embarrassment in this state.

I slowly stand up and stumble the few steps over to the couch, plopping myself down next to Harry, close enough that our thighs are mere centimeters apart. Niall finally gets up to join us, his completely glazed-over eyes signaling he's beyond out of it. I doubt he'll even remember any of this. We finally decide to put on a movie, but it doesn't take long for my eyes to become increasingly heavy. Eventually, I succumb to the feeling, allowing myself to fall into sleep while the TV plays in the background.

i love me some teasing 😈 get ready for a lot more in the next few've officially been warned

xx k

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