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The sound of my phone ringing startles me awake the next morning, but as much as I want the incessant ringing to stop, I find myself melting further into the warm chest serving as my pillow.

Harry's arms are wrapped tightly around me as I lay against him listening to the sound of his soft breaths. The ringing finally stops and I find my eyes fluttering shut again and slowly start to fall back asleep, only for it to start again.

This time, Harry wakes up too, letting out a groan as his arms loosen around me. With a grunt of frustration, I sit up and turn to grab my phone from the nightstand.


I reluctantly grab my phone, answering it as I sleepily flop back down against the pillow.

"Why the hell are you calling me at 7 in the morning?" I ask him immediately, not bothering to start off with "hellos."

"Good morning my lovely sister, what if I just missed the sound of your beautiful voice," he responds facetiously.

"Bullshit," I say, stifling a laugh, "what do you need?"

"You don't have plans tonight, do you?"

"No..." I drag out my answer while assessing his suddenly suspicious tone, "Why are you asking like that though?"

"Well, you do now. We're going out."

"Um, okay. But why?"

"No reason," he quips, putting on an innocent facade, "just giving you a heads up. You're staying at ours tonight too, right?"

"Mmhm," I hum in response, looking over at Harry as I feel him shift in the bed. I find myself biting back a smile as soon as I meet his sleepy eyes, instantly wanting to finish up this conversation with Niall, "okay, can I go back to sleep then? I'll see you later."

"Whatever, lazy," Niall teases me through the phone, "see you tonight."

Once he hangs up, I put my phone back on the nightstand before turning back to face Harry, feeling his arm instinctively drape over my waist as a lazy grin stretches across his face as we lay facing each other.

"Morning," he rasps with a tired voice.

"Good morning," I whisper, letting myself melt into his warmth again.

"Who was that?"

"Niall," I chuckle, "the asshole really felt the need to call me at the crack of dawn, I guess."

"What is with him and interrupting our mornings after we hook up?"

I can't help but laugh at his comment. As annoying as it is, he has a point. "Seriously, what does he have against us?"

"I have a feeling he has a lot against us," Harry says, pulling me in closer to him, "but I don't care enough to let him stop me." He presses a kiss to the top of my head and I can't stop the smile that quickly takes over my lips.

I've been racking my brain for days, trying to figure out how I feel about Harry. I honestly still have no idea what exactly those feelings are, but whatever it is, it feels too good to keep pushing it away. I'm addicted to the feeling I get when I'm around him, it's like I'm high on his presence and I never want to come down.

It looks like the universe is really pushing for me to get up early today because as soon as I let myself relax again, Harry's phone starts ringing on the nightstand on his side of the bed. Both of us let out a breath of frustration as he lets go of me, sitting up to grab his phone. He shoots me a look before answering, but his lack of explanation for his strange reaction is unsettling.

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