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The sound of Harry's whispered frustration alongside a slamming door abruptly pulls me from sleep as patchy memories from the night before start to flood my mind.

I reluctantly peel my eyes open only to be met with the sun beaming onto my face through the open window, intensifying the pounding headache I've graciously woken up with as I wince in pain, rolling over to bury my face into my pillow.

I listen to Harry shuffle around the room, failing at his attempt to be quiet as he pulls the curtains shut, likely seeing my reaction. Eventually, I feel the bed dip beside me before a warm hand runs along my back, a surprising action that somehow has me instantly melting into his touch.

"Sorry," he whispers, his tone laced with guilt, "I got you coffee."

I instantly turn over at the mention of caffeine, forcing my sleepy eyes open again to reveal a very smiley Harry. He's looking down at me with a grin and the sight of his dimples might be the only reason I'm able to keep my eyes open right now.

"Good morning," he chuckles before standing up and making his way over to the dresser where two coffees and a small paper bag are sitting. I recognize the logo of the small café that's quickly become our go-to spot, and I can't help the smile that creeps onto my face.

Despite the incessant pounding in my head, I sit up on the mattress, watching Harry move through the room until he presents me with a coffee, a chocolate muffin, and a bottle of Advil.

"How'd you know?" I say with a smile, my tired voice rasping as I immediately reach for the painkillers in his hand.

He laughs again before answering me, "Guess I had a feeling after your 15th shot last night." He flashes me a teasing grin while my face falls in shock.

"There's no way I drank that much," I argue, shaking my head defensively.

"Alright, maybe not that much, but you definitely had quite a few."

I take the coffee and food from him, sitting up against the headboard as he plops himself beside me sipping his own coffee. I let out an involuntary hum of gratitude as soon as the coffee hits my tongue, prompting a loud laugh from Harry and breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen over us.

"Thank you, by the way," I finally say, turning to him.
A strange glint floats through his eyes but his smile doesn't falter, "of course, we're celebrating, right?"

I might be hungover and probably look like absolute shit, but the way he's staring at me right now like I'm the most interesting thing in the world has my heart skipping a beat and my thighs clenching. I can't remember much from last night, but I sure as hell remember wanting to hook up with Harry again, and that desire hasn't gone away in the slightest.

He flashes me a grin, as I'm sure my face has filled with lust by now, before he sits up, rather than making a move like I desperately want him to. Damn, maybe I really do look like shit.

"As much as I'd love to hang out with you all day, I promised Niall I'd work on some stuff with him today," he starts, his smile faltering as he speaks, "dinner tonight, though? We can do so much better than Taco Bell."

I can't help but laugh at his mention of my terrible food choice last night, but what can I say? Shitty food sounded like the perfect pregame meal. "Sure, surprise me."

"Be careful what you wish for," he teases as he grabs his keys from the dresser, "I'll see you tonight then, Ariella." He drags out my name before he closes the door behind him, leaving me alone and already anticipating seeing him tonight.

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