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I can feel the light washing over me, making me scrunch my face and attempt to turn away from whatever source it's coming from. I don't make it very far, though, as I'm engulfed in a comfortable warmth that's too enticing to pull away from. Slowly, I peel my tired eyes open and force myself to look around. Squinting my eyes in my hungover state, I quickly realize I'm curled against a bare chest. A bare chest covered in undeniably recognizable tattoos. Harry.

I should be moving away from him. I should feel disgusted that I somehow wound up in this position, cuddling with my brother's best friend.

But I'm not.

If anything, I want to curl further against him, wrapping myself in the warmth of his body and feeling his smooth skin against me. Too tired to make rational decisions, that's what I do. I let out a small breath I hadn't even realized I was holding and let myself sink further into Harry's side, ignoring any possible repercussions that could come from this decision.

I close my eyes and rest against him, but my mind is too awake to fall back asleep now. Slowly, the memories from last night start to come back to me as I lay there and let my mind wander. I remember playing the game with Harry and Niall, getting absolutely wasted, and having one of the most fun nights I've had in a while. At some point, I remember making my way to the couch, we put on a movie but I have absolutely no idea what we ended up putting on, and Niall announced through very slurred words that he was going to bed shortly after the movie started. At some point, I fell asleep curled up on the soft cushions, but I have no idea how I ended up tangled up with Harry. But, despite the slight confusion taking over through my hazy memories, I'm not mad that it happened.

I'm not sure how long I lay there getting lost in my thoughts, but eventually, I feel Harry stirring beside me. I keep my eyes closed, wanting to take in the feeling of being wrapped in his arms as long as I can before he fully wakes up. When I hear him take in a deep breath, I expect him to push me away, mentally preparing myself for the ultimate disappointment while I pretend to be asleep. Instead, I feel the arm he has wrapped around me pull me in closer to him, tightening his warm embrace. At that, I give into the feeling, opening my eyes again and tilting my head up to look at his sleepy features as he adjusts to the bright sun shining through the window.

"Good morning," I whisper, breaking the silence. He looks down at me, a smile taking over his face as his eyes scan over me, his dimples threatening to pop out.

"Morning," he mutters, the sound of his raspy morning voice making my breath hitch in my throat. "Did you have fun last night?"

"Mmhm," I hum, a small smile tugging at my lips while I let my eyes explore his entire face, "I thoroughly enjoyed kicking your ass."

He chuckles, and I can feel his chest moving from where my head rests against him. "Yeah? I guess I'll have to start planning my revenge then," he teases.

"Did you have fun? I mean, despite losing all night?"

"Of course I had fun," there's a slight pause after his words. Like he wants to say more but contemplates letting his thoughts out. I watch the mental battle on his face before he ultimately gives in, "would've had more fun if I got to have you though."

I freeze at his words, not because I didn't like hearing them- quite the opposite actually. But because that's the most straightforward thing he's said to me since I met him at the bar that first night and I find myself wanting him all over again. If only Niall wasn't-

Shit. Niall.

At the sound of slow footsteps coming down the hallway, Harry and I are quickly pulling away from each other, attempting to hide the position we were just in as much as possible. I take the chance to steal a glance at Harry, only to catch him staring at me as well. We lock eyes for only a moment before the footsteps get closer, forcing me to glance down at my fidgeting hands, breaking the eye contact I find myself constantly craving.

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