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I'm not sure what I pictured my life looking like once I moved to the city of my dreams, but letting a girl I've known for less than two months dress me up and load makeup onto my face on a Friday night definitely wasn't what I imagined.

I don't know why I expected anything else, though. Olivia is one of the most eccentric and persistent people I've ever met, with just enough charm to balance her out. She's the exact kind of person who takes any excuse to wear a flashy dress and the highest heels she owns, which is exactly what I've ended up wearing.

As soon as she discovered we were the same size, she went borderline psychotic and started pulling out every short, tight-fitting dress she had. An hour later, I'm dressed in a bright red, latex dress that barely covers my ass and is way too tight for my comfort zone, dodging Liv's invasive questions as she does my makeup.

"Is he really ugly or something? Is that why you won't let us meet him?" Olivia asks while swiping eyeshadow onto my lids.

"Definitely not," I chuckle at the assumption that couldn't be more wrong, "I just think it's better to keep things a little more private for now, it's still new."

She groans in frustration, smacking at my hand that was mindlessly pulling at the hem of my dress, "would you stop messing with it? You look great, I'd fuck you if it weren't for this mysterious boyfriend of yours."

I've been tugging at the dress since I put it on, it's not something I'd ever wear on my own, but she's right, I look hot as fuck in this. The only reason I agreed to step so far out of my comfort zone is because I know who's performing at the club we're going to tonight, which Liv has absolutely no idea about.

Neither does the mystery performer I get to call my boyfriend. He knows I had plans to go out tonight, but I specifically left out which club we'd be going to and by some miracle, he didn't ask any more questions. I was already planning on trying to sneak away from my friends before the set starts to surprise him, but the second I saw how good my boobs looked in this dress, that plan became a mission.

"My boyfriend isn't the only problem, don't act like I didn't see how you were looking at your roommate earlier."

Her face turns almost as red as my dress, but her confidence doesn't falter for a second as she picks up the tube of mascara.

"You have a lot of nerve for someone who's about to be on the receiving end of a mascara wand."

I snap my mouth shut, twisting an imaginary lock and finally getting a laugh out of Olivia as she finishes my makeup.

"Are you two almost done in here?" Ivan says while bursting through the door, not even bothering to knock, "I showed up a half hour late and you're still not ready."

"Ivan! What if we were naked?" Olivia scolds him while I struggle to hold back my laughter when she chucks a makeup brush at him.

"Babe, if I were attracted to naked women I probably would've been spared from a lot of trauma in middle school," he responds while strutting over to sit beside me on the edge of Olivia's bed.

"Eh, everyone needs a little trauma," I tease, toying with the shiny silk dress shirt he's wearing, "spices up your personality."

"I don't know how accurate that is but I also can't deny it, so," Olivia pipes up as she finishes securing the straps of her heels and stands up, "more reasons to start drinking, let's go, bitches!"

Less than ten minutes after we arrived at the small club, Ivan, Olivia, and I have already downed three rounds of shots and wound up in the middle of the crowded dance floor.

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