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Two days later, I'm on a plane headed back across the country, this time with some pretty big hopes. I swear I've spent every second I could listening to the soundtrack and going over lines for this audition. If I didn't already have it memorized, it was definitely engrained in my brain now.

With a one-way ticket, as many clothes as I could fit in a suitcase, and a dream, I hopped on a plane this morning without telling anyone besides Lylah, my mom, and Mrs. Henderson. I decided to try and surprise Niall and Harry after all, figuring it would at least give me something fun to look forward to while I attempted to calm my nerves.

I ended up booking a hotel for the first few nights, mostly because I really wanted to surprise the boys and I knew they both had work today so I needed somewhere to hide out until they got home. I also needed my own space for a few more days, though, and I'd be lying if a part of me wasn't hoping this would make it easier for me and Harry to hang out alone at some point.

Hopefully Niall still feels like being nice at the end of this weekend, though, because I'll probably end up begging him to let me stay with him after my reservation ends. I have absolutely no idea how long it could take to hear back on the audition, but it would make the most sense for me to stay in the city until I have a clear answer.

That's why I only booked a flight here, since I have no clue when I'll be going back home. I also can't afford to stay in a hotel for an undetermined amount of time, so I'll be buttering Niall up all weekend if I have to. I don't know what I'll do if I do end up booking the role, I guess I'll have to start apartment hunting or something, but as of now I'm just focused on making it through the next 3 days.

When the plane finally lands, I order an Uber to the hotel, mentally scolding myself for not figuring out public transport last time I was here. I desperately need a nap, though, so I'll gladly pay the absurd fee for the short ride if it means getting me to a bed quicker.

Thankfully checking into my room goes smoothly, and I waste no time throwing myself onto the fluffy white bed to hopefully sleep away the jet lag I never recovered from last week.


With a deep breath and a sad attempt to bite back the giddy smile on my face, I raise my hand to knock on my brother's apartment door. I know it hasn't been that long since they saw me, but I'm beyond excited to be back and I'm really banking on them being happy to see me too. I snuck into the building with one of the other tenants so I wouldn't have to be buzzed up, but now I'm just hoping someone is actually home to let me in.

I knock lightly on the door a couple of times, barely loud enough to make a noise, but the shuffling I hear on the other side of the thin wood shortly after confirms someone heard me. The door swings open to reveal a sweaty, shirtless Harry standing in the doorframe. My eyes immediately fall to his torso, automatically scanning over him as any sense of self-control flies out the window.

I take in his tattoos that I've quickly grown to love until my eyes dare to drop lower, finding him in a simple pair of grey sweatpants. Of course, he's wearing fucking grey sweatpants.

Fuck, did I mention he's glistening in sweat too?

"Ari?" Harry's shocked voice finally breaks me from my thoughts as my attention snaps back up to his face. A mixture of surprise and happiness takes over his expression, though there's a very present hint of worry in there as well.

"Hey," I finally respond with a smile, shaking off his weird look.

"Wait what...what are you doing here?" he stutters in confusion, "not that you're not welcome, it's just-"

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