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Ari's face lit up the second my suggestion left my lips. I gave her some time to fix her makeup and everything, secretly hoping to get the smile I'd seen on her face this morning back. While she was in her room getting ready, I put together a quick plan for the afternoon. There were still a few hours of daylight left, so I figured we should take advantage of that as much as possible, deciding on taking her to one of my favorite spots for a late lunch to start our little outing.

She bounced out of her room, a wide smile on her face again as she made her way to the door. I couldn't help the smile creeping onto my own face while I made my way to meet her at the entrance to our apartment. We both climbed onto my bike, her words from a few nights ago still lingering in my mind as I felt her arms wrap around my torso.

The café we'd stopped for lunch at was a small shop I used to go to all the time in college. I hadn't been there in ages, but I knew it would be the perfect spot to sit on the corner and people-watch while we ate. She was so excited to be in the city, a smile on her face the entire time we watched people walking down the crowded streets. I don't know how she found the busy, smelly city so intriguing, but I found myself getting lost watching her get lost in the view.

While we ate, I looked at shows for tonight, settling on tickets for something later this evening. We still had some time to kill after we finished lunch, so I ended up taking her to a museum a couple of blocks away, deciding to just leave my bike parked near the café and walk.

I'd planned on taking her to the museum of Broadway, but the tickets for tonight were sold out. I took that as a sign to take a risk and go somewhere I had only been to once on a drunk night with some friends during my sophomore year of college. The look on her face as soon as she saw the building is an image that will live in my brain forever, immediately letting out a loud laugh at the look of disbelief she gave me.

Museum of Sex.

I know, probably not the best place to take the girl I'm supposed to stay away from, but I figured she could use the laugh and I knew that was the perfect place. We spent a solid two hours wandering around exhibits, and I'd be lying if I told you watching her walk around that environment wasn't a turn-on. Eventually, I dragged her out back onto the busy streets as the sun began to set. Partially because I couldn't stand watching her literally watch porn in front of me, but mostly because we needed to make our way to the theatre.

She'd laughed as I grabbed her hand, pulling her away from the exhibit she was questionably engrossed in, unable to stop the heat rushing to my face while we made our way out. Lucky for me, she was completely clueless as to where anything in the city was, so she had no idea where we were headed as she followed me around the streets of New York. We'd kept up simple conversations along the way, joking and laughing with each other while we walked the few blocks to our destination.

As soon as she saw the lights, she froze. Stopping in the middle of her sentence, her entire face lighting up as she took everything in. She was blocking the path from where she stood in shock, so I pulled her closer to me by the waist to avoid any confrontations from grumpy New Yorkers. Seeing her excitement was enough to make up for all of the confusion she'd caused me all week, and it only got better once I told her what we were seeing.


A classic, one I knew both of us were familiar enough with and I was almost positive she'd love it. I was right, watching her in my peripherals as she mouthed along to her favorite songs and sway ever so slightly in her seat. By that point, I knew the smile that had been torturing my face all night wasn't going anywhere, feeling the happiness radiate off her the entire time we'd been out exploring the city.

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