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Standing awkwardly at the airport watching Niall and Ari say their goodbyes at 6 am was not how I pictured my Saturday morning, but when Ari asked me to come with to drop her off, I couldn't say no. I could tell she was nervous when she asked me to tag along, especially since Niall would be there and neither of us had seen him since the night he ditched Ari. He was home by the time we got back from the bar last night, but he was already in his room and neither of us actually saw him until this morning.

It was weird watching him and Ari interact. He'd left her crying and alone on one of the hardest days of their lives, yet they were both acting like nothing happened. They'd spent the whole morning in hushed conversations, neither one actually addressing what happened between them, but somehow the only tension that remained was between Niall and me, him and his sister apparently on good terms now.

I stood back, letting the two siblings have a moment before we had to leave her to go through security. I watched Niall wrap her in a tight hug, keeping her in his embrace for a bit until he finally lets go and Ari's gaze immediately met mine, silently inviting me over.

"Thank you," she said as soon as I was close enough, Niall and I trading spots.

"What for?" I ask, shooting her a questioning look.

"For saving my trip," she chuckles under her breath. I can tell she's trying to lighten up the mood, but her glossy eyes tell another story. 

"Hey," I whisper, swiping my thumb under her eye when a tear manages to escape. "No tears, you're not allowed to leave New York on bad terms," I tease, earning the tiniest smile from her. My own lips pull into a smile at the sight, her lips having quickly become one of my favorite sights.

I get lost in my head as I stare at her, both of us standing in silence while my mind wanders. I fight the urge to lean in and kiss her, desperately wanting to feel her lips against me one last time. My mind had been consumed by her all week, even when I knew it shouldn't be. It was like knowing she was off limits made me want her even more.

I shake the thoughts from my mind, knowing Niall is watching us and refusing to risk causing any more problems between them right before she goes home. I reluctantly pull my hand from her face where it had naturally rested cupping her cheek, feeling her warmth disappear faster than I'd like.

"Don't be a stranger, okay?" I finally break the silence, "at least let me know when you get home." I don't know why I've adopted a sense of protection over a girl I essentially just met, or maybe this was my subconscious way of giving her a reason to text me, who knows?

"I will," she whispers, lifting her hand between us and holding her pinky out to me. I chuckle under my breath when I see her silent request, but I can't hide the wide smirk on my face as I give in, wrapping my own pinky around hers to lock in her promise.

Eventually, we're forced to pull away, an unfamiliar tightness taking over my chest when I drop her hand. I ignore it, though, pushing the feelings away and attempting to lighten the mood before Ari has to make her way through the airport, "See you sometime, Ella," I tease one last time.

"Bye Styles," she smiles, "until next time."

With that, she leaves us behind and heads toward the line for security. I find myself watching her hips sway as she walks away, leaving me just as fast as she came. Within less than a week, this girl had weaseled her way into my mind, taking over literally everything. My thoughts, my writing, my dreams. Fuck, my dreams.

Ever since that first night, Ari has made her way into my dreams every time I sleep. I've woken up hard more times than I'd like to admit, wanting nothing more than to go across the hall and recreate the dreams that got me there in the first place.

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