Texas Backstory pt3

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Note: This kinda cringe so that's why I haven't posted it but whatever I think you guys deserve to know how I intended to end the story. This has been probably done for over a month. I'll probably explain more in another post/chapter

For the following 2 months, Texas worked day and and night rearming and preparing to take his revenge. He wrote a declaration of independence for himself and readied himself for the day where he would triumph and that day came on April 21, 1836.

It was night, and Mexico had settled in for the night. Texas spotted Mexico's camp for the night through the bushes. Without hesitation Texas rushed to ambush Mexico. He fired multiple shots with the intention to kill. The bullets all hit Mexico in the torso.
"Remember the Alamo!" Texas chanted as chaos insured.
He knocked Mexico to the ground then sat on top of her. Mexico tried to grab her rifle but Texas kicked it aside before she could reach. He was ruthless with hitting Mexico in the face with the butt of his rifle back and forth multiple times with no mercy. Mexico was able to push him off herself however Texas didn't back down. He charged at her with the front of his rifle right into her stomach to the point of breaking skin. She screamed and threw a punch at his face forcing him away. He whipped around to face her once more and shot her in the thigh. Mexico let out the shriek of a dying animal as she fell to her knees. Texas slowly approached the wounded monster until he stood just before her. He lifted his gun up to Mexico's head and rested the barrel against her forehead.
"Wait! You need me"
"No surrender" he replied sternly
"Ok, let's say you kill me. How do you know that the other states will respect your borders? How do you know you will get what you want?"
Texas tried to cover his look of concern. He was concerned that other countries/states wouldn't recognize him and that he would have to be in eternal conflict.
"Face it, you need me alive to be free."
He lightly bandaged Mexico's wounds and tied her up. He started to write a treaty between him and Mexico. After a while Texas turned around the treaty to Mexico and gave her a pen.
"Sign it."
Mexico went to sign it
"So, what are you planning to do with your independence"
"I am planning on joining the United States"
"Oh you silly boy, you know one day he'll realize that you are as good for him as you were for me and he'll turn his back on you."
Texas shuttered at this thought.
"No, I'll be better. Hell, I'll be the best!"
"Are you sur-"
Texas pushed Mexico out of the tent and brought her to a carriage back to her house.
"Get in" Texas yelled as he pushed Mexico into the carriage.
"Don't worry, you'll keep to your word. Just like you kept all your promises to me, son" Mexico grinned
With that, the carriage sped off and Texas was left alone and independent.

He started to build his own house and make something for himself.
"Hey kid, where's your mom?"
Texas turned to face Gov "I don't have a mom"
Gov's face quickly turned to shock as he noticed the obvious missing eye. "Oh, um, how have things been going?"
"They've been alright."
"Here, come in" Texas welcomed Gov in and sat him down at the table "I actually wanted to talk to you about something."
"What is it?"
"Can I join the union?"
"Sorry, I know this is sudden but I want you to be my father. I want us to be together all the time" Texas fidgeted with his hands as he spoke.
"I don't think I can accept. I'm sorry but adding you to the union would upset the balance of North to South."
Gov saw the boy he so loved fall to tears from what he said.
He pulled out a silver star with a flat back out of his pocket and placed it into the boy's hand.
"What is it?"
"It's a star that connects every state back to me and each other. Every state has one inside of them and one day you will have one inside of you." Gov held Texas's hands in between his "My no is not eternal, it is just for now. I promise, one day, I will come back and we can be together."

Texas shook his wallet to have only a few silver coins fall out. "This ain't enough to repay my debt". He looked down with melancholy for a while. "Maybe mom was right, I ain't cut out for this sorta thing". All that was keeping him going was his cows and the beautiful sunset that casted a colorful glow over his land every evening. He heard familiar footsteps come closer to his house.
Knock, knock, "Hey Texas, I thought about your offer and I-". Before Gov could fully open the door, he felt a small face plunge into his stomach.
"Please take me home with you, dad..."
He felt little tears wet  his shirt and warm his skin. He rubbed the back of the poor kid who rested on him.
"Ok, we're going home" Gov smiled softly.

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