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(Espen's Pov)

I walk through the halls of the faded castle to the king's room. I knock on the door.

"Come in..." The king says blandly. I walk in and bow "There's no need Espen." I bow again and we walk out of the room into the dressing room I had already laid out, a white dress shirt a brown vest, and a crow black pair of pants.

After he gets out of the dressing room, I lead him to the dining room. I place down a plate of buttermilk pancakes two eggs and bacon.

"Thank you, Espen. What's the schedule today?" The king says digging into his breakfast.

"You have that meeting with the neighboring kingdom and then you have the ball, sir."

(Time skip)

I open the door to the throne room. Bibby lays on his pillow next to the king. He has his own throne. I pour a glass of tea with two cubes of sugar and some milk and hand it to the king.

"Espen." King Wilbur looks me in the eyes...

"Yes, King Wilbur?"

"This will be a long meeting I give you permission to leave." he sips his tea.

"Thank you, my king..."

I bow and step out of the room. The halls are cold with the painting of past royals it feels like their eyes are following you...Judging you. Royality is always like that. if you're not one of them you're on their target list to be judged... Ill probably go help out in the kitchen to get food and drinks orginized for the ball.

(Time skip)

It's time for the ball. As I grab a tray of drinks from the kitchen the chef calls me.

"Oh Espen?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"Yes?" I say turning my head to look at her.

"Thank looks heavy are you sure?"

"I am, no worries."

"Be careful." she mutters pinching the bridge of her nose before going back to work and fanning me off to leave.

I walk slowly carefully, out of the kitchen and the dining room. I walk down the stairs and into the hallway with the ball room door. I step inside to see butlers and guards getting ready. I got here just in time to hear the head staff telling everyone to have a good night and "not to drink too much" before they open the door everyone tramples in crushing the head staff.

The place is crowded with people dancing and talking. I walk around offering drinks in less than a few minutes my tray is half empty. From my years of working here ive learned how much people love to drink

The drunken king walks up to the stage and a spotlight glare at him.

"We will know announce the winner of the ball..." He says lightly swaying. The funny thing is I don't know how tipsy the king is. we don't usually have winners of the ball.

Before I can even respond some maids are pushing me up to the stage. A spotlight hits me, the florescent light stabs into my eyes like daggers.

"The winner of ball is Hicc none other than Espen!" He says smiling as he places a cheap fake crown on my head. Cheering starts and I'm yanked off the stage as soon as I've got there. The room counties to be lively with people dancing and drinking. I hear my name be called.

"Espen!" A boy says 4'11 or so with blonde hair and glasses hes wearing a guard uniform. "I just wanted to congratulate you on the win. It's nice having a staff member win for once. " He smiles.

"Thank you so much."

"I'm Charles by the way." He adjusts his glasses.

"Well thank you very much Charles would you care for a drink?"

"Ah no thank you. I have to get back to work see you around" He smiles and leaves.

(Time skip)

The ball ends and people start to leave. I have the job of getting the king to his chambers for bed... Hes already standing in the hall. Hes coldly staring at the painting of his father hung up on the wall I dare not to question it.

"My king..."

"Espen." He says he turns his head and stares directly at me. It's scary...

"Yes, my king?"

"Food." He says with a smile.

"Of course, sir."

"Lovely, thank you Espen" he beamed like a child receiving a toy.

As we walk through the hallway to the dining hall, I see the guards fighting someone to leave.

I bring out a plate of leftover party food from the ball and place it in front of King Wilbur, crackers with cheese that was much more expensive than it should have been, and an array of bits and chunks of cut up fruit.

"Thank you, Espen." He grinned swaying side to side a bit from the probably over the top amount of alcohol he drank during the ball...

I watch as he stuffs the snacks into his mouth and swallows. Then I guide him back to his room holding onto his back to steady him so he doesnt tip over. As I shut the door of the king's room, and I walk outside the sleeping chambers and seeing Charles leaned against a pillar while messing with the cuff on his sleeve. 

"Good night."

"mhm? Oh, good night!" He nodded as he stands up straight.

"MAAM PLEASE!" I hear a guard yelling from down the hall.

"You should probably go help."

"Your probably right. See ya!" He smiles and runs away.

I can't help but smile or chuckle at the sight of his little waddle away. its sweet and warms my heart a bit.

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