Dahlia flower

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Its been at least 3 months since.. Haven. She..- king wilbur has now called Espen to his side

(Espens pov)

With great power comes great responsibilities. Noble knights, kings of honor, queens of beauty. And then there's the backhand stage. Butlers and maids. They keep things running. How do you think the royals look so perfect every day? — You're welcome.

"Espen." King Wilbur motions for me to come closer to him

"Yes, your majesty..?"

"Would you do me a favor no questions asked?" King Wilbur raises an eyebrow.

Well, that was quite suspicious...

"Of course my royal.."

"There's a little box I need you to fetch for me. About this big and it's down in the empty library." He uses his hands to make out the shape of a box about a foot long.

"I'll get that for you, your majesty."

I bow to him before I leave. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see a smirk on his face... I wonder what he was planning.

The castle is quite large we have a giant ballroom, elegant dining hall... I could go on but there are also two libraries one of them isn't in use anymore. It's on the left wing. Doesnt take long to get there. See. I open the door and step in, the smell of old books and candles fills my nose it's almost sickening. I walk over to a desk at the back of the room and crouch down to open the bottom drawer.

From behind me, I hear a subtle footstep and a creek. I flip around holding a pen to their chest. Oh shit...

"It worked! Oh, it's so good to see you! Im so sorry its been such a long time!" A man around 6'0 stands in front of me. He has straight black hair and green eyes. Tears stream down his face as he tries to hug me.

"Dont touch me.-"

"Espen.. What are you saying..?" his eyes sad as he backs away

"What are you doing here!?"

"But cant a father come to see his son?" He tries to give me one of those fatherly pats on the back but I dont let him touch me.

"You're not my father and I am not your 'son'."

The words hurt him. "I've changed Espen... I have a new family now..! And-"

"Fuck you. — I wanted that Dad. I wanted a dad that cared for me and listened to me. But you were a drunken asshole."

"I've changed!" he cries still trying to hug me.

"Oh yeah? You've changed for your new family huh? If you have changed now does that mean that you were always capable of it? And I just didn't deserve it?"

He stammers as he tries to think of an answer. Tears drip down my face. I hate that man.

"I love you and your mother dearly-" He finally speaks after a while

"Shut up! Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up! I know you dont fucking mean that! You dont know me! You dont know me.."

"You look just like her... Pretty eyes, the quiet, and the fluffy white hair. You're just a spitting image of her.."

"Dont try to kiss up to me! If you want to, go kiss moms grave."

"What..?" his face drops,

"I said go kiss mom's grave."

I grab the mystery box and leave, leaving him there to sit. I dont care if he rots there. I go back to Wilbur and hand him the box.

"Espen..? Your back so soon? Where's Micah?"

(Wilburs POV)

Espen looks at me with a look of utter bewilderment.

"Pardon me..?"

"Your father? Micah? Why isn't he with you?"

"He's not my father." Espen groans


"That 'man' is not my father." Espen replies coldly. 

"What do you mean he's not your father?"

"Wilbur, I hate that man. Right down to his fucking guts."


"Why? Because I can that's why!"

"At least you can reconnect with your dad."

Espen looks at me with just pure... anger? No hatred. Do they hate me?

"You did not just say that." Espen smacks the box out of my hand. The box hits the floor and opens. A small stuffed bear lands on the floor with a small thunk as well as some other small trinkets and a small painting.

"Espen." I look down at the various objects on the floor.

Espen grabs most of the items in a hasteful manner before leaving.

(Time Skip)

I haven't seen Espen in a while, I hope I didn't make them upset. I still wasn't wrong though, they did have a dad to reconnect to.

"You have a-."

"AH- Jesus Christ, fuck!"

"The Kingdom of Serafina has sent you a message."

"Yes, thank you, Espen."


Did I say something wrong..?

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