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(King Wilbur's)

Maids and Butlers are scrambling around the castle. The King and Queen of Storm isles are coming today. Do I want them here no. If they don't come will there most likely be a war, yes? I walk to the meeting room. Espen is already there, and they pull out a chair for me.

"Your majesty... The king and queen of Storm isles will be arriving shortly" Espen bows and stands beside me.

"Thank you, Espen."

It was mostly silent until we heard a knock at the door.

"Come in."

King Aliferous and Queen Eunoia both walk in at the same time. The king is wearing a gray suit and the queen is wearing a dark gray dress with storm clouds on it. I stand up and bow while Espen pulls out chairs for them.

"Thank you for letting us come over to your beautiful kingdom," Aliferous says smiling but Eunoia whispers something I can't quite hear in his ear which almost makes him laugh.

"Of course."

"We do apologize for our daughter's actions but I'm sure she meant no harm, so we have brought gifts for you as a formal apology, there gems from our-" I was about to stop him but Espen interrupts first.

"Excuse me." Espen moves closer to the table.

The king seems pissed at this action.

"Control you butler please." King Aliferous smirks

"Pardon me?"

Espen's blood is boiling, and I don't dare to look over at them.

"You are in someone else kingdom. Mind your manners or we will have you publicly removed." Espen starts calm but starts raising their voice a bit the king and queen's faces are red with anger, but Espen makes sure they don't speak one word.

I go to say something, but Espen turns around. The normal calm warm purple eyes were traded out for cold angry dark eyes.

"And don't get me started on your 'angelic daughter' WHO LAID HER HANDS ON KING WILBUR BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T GET WHAT SHE WANTED!" Espen is red and I can imagen the smoke going out of their ears.

"Well maybe if your 'amazing king' was more like his father-" Queen Eunoia almost finished but that pushed Espen over.

"OH, NOT LIKE YOUR HUSBAND IS ANY BETTER." Espen calms down a bit but their voice is still raised.

"King Nathen would have been a better father and even a much better ruler than you could ever be. I mean no matter of disrespect but if you're going to shoot first, I'm going to shoot harder. Now would you like to leave, or will you be respectful and act your age?" They are still calm I can see their eyes...

I don't like them like this. I've only seen it a few times and it feeds on them. The anger builds up like little monsters ready to explode.

"We will leave then. Adults here can't speak for themself." Eunoia says scoffing.

"Adults? King Wilbur isn't an adult. HE'S A 17-YEAR-OLD BOY WHO WAS DRAGGED INTO ROYALTY WHY YOU WERE IN YOUR 30S WHEN ALL YOU WANT IS FAME AND GOLD YOU GLUTTONOUS MONSTERS!" Espen is almost shaking the whole castle with their yelling.

They scoff and that's when I decide to give Espen a break by calling the guards. It was funny watching them walk away almost fighting the guards.

(Espen's Pov)

I can't calm down. I don't know what it is, but I can't do it. I've tried breathing and everything I know to calm down but it's not working. Am I turning into a monster... Like what they called my mother... But she wasn't a monster which means I'm not right. I can't calm down and I can't control my thoughts about what's happening to me. I can feel King Wilbur behind me. I wipe my eyes and cheeks and adjust my bow tie.

"You should go on s break Espen..." King Wilbur sounds concerned why should he be I'm perfectly fine I don't know what he's talking about.

I turn my head around to answer him, but I can't respond. My head hurts.  He looks worried no not worried... Scared. King Wilbur is scared of me. Is everyone scared of me? 

Do they all think Im a monster?

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