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(Editor Wilbur + Editor Crayon)

(Wilbur POV) 

I was walking down the hall trying to ignore the weird death stares some of the guards and staff are giving me when I see a flash of white hair from the hallway. The sun shines through the stained glass windows, making the room have a rainbow hue. what was that... I thought walking toward where I saw the white hair when I get interrupted. Charles waves to me happily 

"Hey hello! it's so good to see you!" He grins happily. a group of other guards nudge him and tell him to be respectful and bow but he continues to smile at me. "King Wilbur! Did you taste the food that Espen made this morning? The pancakes were delicious! and they made some for the guards too!" his happy grin fades into a more worried and an 'uh oh' look as his eyebrows knit together.

"The What?" I question staring at Charles with a stern expression.

Charles gulps and panic rambles "Uh um- Aspen- I mean um.. the leftovers they made last week..?" He smiles nervously and lifts his shoulders

(Editor Wilbur's base Editor Crayons additions)

It was obvious he was lying you don't need to be a genius to figure that out. Before anyone can do anything to stop it im walking towards the kitchen like it's god's mission with Charles behind me trying to explain but it all just comes out as rambles.

I kick open the kitchen door a death glare at Espen. they were making some sort of chocolate pastry and the kitchen smelled very warm and chocolatey. "Espen." I bark loudly causing the other kitchen staff to want to leave. 

Espen was in baking Lala land and wasn't paying attention as they stirred a bowl of chocolate batter. they look at my feet and assume that I was Charles just by my shoes "Charles if you want some ill make you extra-" they look up at me panicked almost dropping the bowl of chocolate batter. "My king.."

Espen bows. but this isnt the normal bow they always do no... this one is struck with almost a sickening fear that I was going to hit them or something.

"What are you doing here? Why aren't you in the cell where I ordered you to be."

I glare at Charles who nods and walks out of the room followed by the kitchen staff.

"You should really replace those locks they weren't that hard to open." Espen says quietly, they scratch at their arm where a few deep scabs are like someone dug their nails into their skin-... oh.

"why wont you just give your father a chance Espen.."

"I dont like him." Espen isnt really one to hold grudges or.. well I think they dont.. honestly I dont even know anymore.

"Look, im sorry I invited him without asking you but Espen hes your father. you have a father who changed for you. Id take that any day of the week. please just try. youre family Espen."

"Youre my family, sir. Yes i want my mum back but I also have you King Wilbur.." Espen says quietly almost in a whisper while putting down the mixing bowl. 

Before I can react Espens arms wrap around me in a tight hug. we stood there for a while I dont even know how long just hugging in the warm silence before I spoke.

"You really need to give Charles lesson on how to lie good."

"And you need to let me do youre outfits next time. really? black on black on black my king? its hot outside and youll boil over, sir." Espen teases while we hug

I didnt even mind how my dress shirt was now covered in flour. the hug was nice.

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