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(Editor Wilbur)

(Espen's POV.)

"Pills, fucking pills." Wilbur looks at me with solemn eyes.

"Pardon me my royal?" I grab another tea cake and I tear it open.

"Fuck you." He stands up, chucks the tea cake at my face, and leaves the room.


(Wilbur's POV)

Espen keeps trying to give me my medication, or my pills, I guess. The pills were meant to help my depression, which I don't even have, I don't think. It's also supposed to help my anger issues. I hate pills, pills that pills this! Pills everywhere, it's so annoying. I'm not acting like a child either, I'm expressing my feelings.

(Time Skip)

Every time I see Haven in the hall she ducks around the corner and hides, sometimes she hides behind the maids or even Espen. It's so strange, I don't get it, I mean she'll even hide her face with books and when Espen ask's her what's wrong she just disappears. It might be because I've been pretty gloomy recently, Espen does tell me that I scare some of the workers and that's bullshit! Being a king this young is really tiering, I mean being a king at like...I FORGOT MY OWN AGE! Whatever not like it's important to me. I remember Espen's birthday but not my own?! What is wrong with me? Their birthday is June 21...I'll just try to forget it.

(Espen's POV)

Haven has been off lately Shes been hiding around me and stuff but runs off when Wilbur is around, its quite odd. She does get incredibly red when she's around Wilbur, I don't know if she's scared or maybe shy. She doesn't have a reason to be shy though. Haven has also been hanging around with this guy named Michael, I can't tell if she's into him or not, but she's freaking me out. I think Wilbur is concerned too, he looks really sad...and scared, almost lost and confused, almost like he did when he was a kid, but honestly this time it's worse because I haven't seen him like that in forever. His pupils went so small, he's sweating a lot too.

"Haven!" Wilbur yelled he saw her behind me again.

"Haven, what are you doing?" I turn around to look at her but she's gone again. Wilbur's face instantly grew into that confused and sad face again, he looked so hurt.

"Shit..." I heard Wilbur mumble under his breath.

"My King, if you want i can follow her or get a guard on her perhaps?" I bow.

"I suppose...she's worrying me Espen, I don't know what to do..."

"So, do you want me to do it or a guard?"

"She'll trust you more than a guard...actually leave her alone, I want to know if she'll come to me."

"Like the dog she is." I accidentally say out loud.

"What." Wilbur ran his hand through his hair and the other was placed on the back of his neck nervously.

"Nothing." I stood up straight.

(Time Skip)

(Wilbur's POV)

I was sitting on a chair in my study when Haven comes into my study. I quickly sit up to hug her but she dodges me, damn that hurt.

"Wilbur." She says softly yet nervously.

"Yes?" I was excited to finally get to talk to her again.

"I brought someone with me to tell you something."

"Okay." I look up at a redhead boy, I stare at him with a cold gaze.

"Go on Michael, tell him."

"What, no!" Michael yells from the corner.

"Fine." Haven looked scared and annoyed.

"Wilbur, I cheated on you, BUT...I was drunk so it's all good."

"You fucking what?"

"I...cheated on you with Michael."

"What, the fuck?!"

"I mean-"

"What is your problem, I've been nothing but loyal to you. Your whole fucking families are crackheads and sluts. You are all shit, I mean Jesus Christ where are your brain cells? Are you that fucking stupid!? You are the scum beneath my foot. I don't care if you hurt yourself, so news flash I don't care about your sob story, you have had nothing compared to me and you think it's okay because you came up and told me!? For once I thought you were different but you're a copy-paste of Hayden and every other girl I've ever met!"


"Oh, sorry I forgot you don't have brain cells."

(Espens POV)

I walk into the study and Wilbur is on the floor yelling holding his head, I presume he's yelling at Haven.

"Your only excuse was I was drunk, I mean I'm an alcoholic and I didn't even do that, not even to Hayden and I hated that whore's ass. You are horrible, you are disgusting, I want to plunge a fucking knife into your stomach, but I can't. Get out, just get out." I noticed Wilbur's eyes go back to the ones I saw when he tore down the paintings in the study.

"You and this fucking Troll need to get out now." He stands up and towers over the two of them, I'm glad I'm not them. :>

"My King?" I look at him.

"What Espen?!" Wilbur's voice was still raised and he turned to look at me. He still held that cold gaze.

"I-Sir...well uhm.."

"Well? C'mon, spit it out."

"Would you like me to escort them out?" I ask nervously.

"I don't care, do what you like." Wilbur leaves the room and slams the door behind him. I turn ti Haven and look at her and the redhead boy.

"You screwed up." I look at her, my voice was stern and deep.

"I-" She looks at me in pure shock.

"Watch your back," I wink as I follow Wilbur out of the room.


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