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(Editor Wilbur + Editor Crayons edits)

I lay one hand on Espen's shoulder. "Espen," I say.

"Yes, my king?" Espen replies looking down at their feet.

"Espen. Fucking look at me. What's the matter?!" I clench my fists and jaw.

"You." Espen snaps blandly and quietly

"Me?! For helping your sorry ass!"

"I beg your pardon? Excuse me my king but have you seen how many times I've fucking saved you? how much I do for you, and this kingdom. I worked day after day with no breaks to help Your sorry ass" Espen grunts not looking up from the floor.

"you-" I wasn't exactly able to finish my sentence due to shock. Is Espen snapping back? voices fill my ears plaguing every other thought to a mad sickening one. They don't like you. They hate you. Send them away. traitor.

"Exactly." Espen scoffs a stack of neat books they've just organized onto the hardwood and stone floor. They leave the room in haste slamming the door behind themself.

"Espen! get yourself back here this instant!" I yell shaking a bit from the anger. "Thats an order!"

"What." Espen's stops at the door still not looking at me.

"Look at me when I fucking talk." I bark my foot digging into the floor.

(Espen's Pov)

"you're going to speak to me like that King Wilbur? Im one of the only people who care about you Wilbur.

"Espen-" Wilbur stutters and stammers but that doesnt matter ive actually left this time and slammed the door behind me.

Wilbur after a few quiet seconds wilbur runs out of the room and snatches my arm before I can walk away down the hall. his grip is tight and I can feel the anger in the little craters his fingernails are leaving in my skin. 

"My king, let go. please.." I look down at my arm. the small red craters in my skin and wince slightly.

Wilbur grabs my other arm holding me in place from moving. "I said. Fucking look at me when I talk." He squeezes my arm more making the pain worse.

"Please.. my king let go you're hurting my arm..-"

Wilbur scoffs "do you want to stay as my Valet?" the words were as cold as the windy blizzards in the kingdom during winter. He grips tighter like my arm was some sort of stress toy to him. 

"Well yes I do but-" He interrupts me

"Then look at me Espen. Fucking look." when I dont look up my now bleeding arm he snaps. full on snaps. "Guards." he barks throwing my arm down.

"what are you doing-?" I yelp as the guards take my arms and start dragging me away. 

I cant tell what stings more my now raw and bleeding arm or how I was being taking to the dungeon over a call by something I held close to me.

"Youll be with your mother." Wilbur grins with malice painted over his features. 

"Youre just like him Wilbur just like him! Imagen Lady Lillies reaction-" I was cut of by being hauled away to the now not so abandoned dungeon. 

(time skip + still espens POv)

To be honest the dungeon isnt that bad. I look around at these guards ive known my who life who couldnt help but giggle a bit when they saw me in one of the cells. I mean.. the kings not horrible he feeds us - even though I do refuse to eat it hopefully ill starve to death in here - Ive played cards and talked to the guards for a few hours but the shifts switched and now im just waiting for the next set of guards. I close my eyes to take a short nap when I hear a familiar voice.

"Espen..?" Charles says utterly confused as he walks over to the cell I was sat in. 

"Good evening Charles." 

"Why...- why are you in the dungeon?" He pauses fidgeting with his hands "I was told there was a 'traitor' in here that I was supposed to guard... but- uhm.. youre not a traitor. well at least I think not. right?"

Charles sometimes rambles when hes nervous, or excited.. or just when he talks. he likes to talk.

"Our loyal king had a tantrum im afraid." 

"Oh... well thats no good... why... do you want me to let you out?" he asks fumbling for the keys.

"Oh no no its fine its rather lovely in here." 

I was obviously talking in sarcasm but Charles.. hes not very good with that

"Okay!" he waddles back to the guards desk.

I cant help but laugh a bit at him not understanding the sarcasm and his waddle away it always makes me smile.

"Charles... my love.. please open the door." 

It takes Charles a second to realize I was being sarcastic and I did want out so he spun around and unlocks my cell door. freeing me. ill have to owe Charles something now. Maybe ill make him a nice loaf of bread. 

I stand up and dust my shirt off and pick up my suit jacket of the floor that was taken off during cards. 

"Thanks Charles." 

"No problem! Now.. tell me everything." Charles grins as we walk together out the door.

Yes the King is now angry with me and probably wants me to rot in a cell but... for right now ill enjoy my time with Charles. The king wont notice if I still fix things around the castle. Its not like he can do it himself. Just got to stay hidden. And hey I can probably work on my cooking and baking again. 

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