Chapter Two

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Act One: The Arrival
Chapter Two: Point For Dad

Yelena looked around her new room which she just finished unpacking everything tapping her chin and trying to decide how she wanted to decorate it since she was going to be here for who knew how long.

"So she decided to get an expert opinion on what to do, she pulled her phone out and dialed her mom's number, her mom was an interior designer. "Hi sweetheart, what's going on."

"Hey mom, so as you know, I was forced to go with Isabella to live with her dad and I can't decide how I want to decorate my new room Charlie said I could do whatever I wanted with the room, so I called you for some insight."

"All right Lena, text me pictures of the room and I will see what I can do with it."

"Okay thanks, mom." she put the call on hold and pulled up the camera on her phone and snapped pictures of the room, and then sent them to her mom. "Okay, they should be coming through anytime time now."

"I just got them, ooh it's an attic loft-type room nice, I like doing those types of designs, I'll see what I can come up with and get back to you on it."

"Sounds good to me, mom thank you."

"Of course baby, so how do you like it there so far?"

"Well it's really green, but I haven't been anywhere in town to get a true feel for it and I haven't met anybody besides Charlie yet but he seems nice, so that means Isabella gets her bitchy attitude and personality from her mother because Charlie has been nothing but nice since I met him at the airport." Kassia laughed, she hadn't met either of them yet but from what she was told by her daughter knew that she wouldn't get along with either of them.

"All right so switching the topic, I have everything set up and the apartment will be ready for us June 5th, this summer is going to be a good one Lena... I can feel it."

Lena grinned, "I can't wait to explore Italy, it's one of the few places that I haven't been to yet."

Kassia chuckled, "yeah well it's not going to be all fun, I do have a job to do while we're there which is the reason for the trip in the first place but we will still be tourists some of the time though."

Lena laughed "okay fair enough." Lena caught up with her mom for a bit longer before she heard a horn from the front of the house, which reminded her of the thing that her dad had gotten her, "I've got to go mom, but I love you I'll call you tomorrow after my first day at Forks High."

"All right Lena love you too and you'll be one of the 'it' girls before the end of the day sweetie, I just know it."

The blonde teenager laughed "well you're not wrong mom, it usually happens that way." Kassia laughed again before they hung up the phone and Lena made her way down the stairs and then outside.

Charlie smiled at the teenager and waved her over to introduce her to Billy and Jacob. "Yelena, this is Billy Black and his son Jacob, Billy Jacob this is Yelena."

Yelena gave them both a friendly smile, "Hi, it's nice to meet you both."

Billy gave her a smile, "it's nice to meet you too Yelena." Jacob gave her a look but said nothing and looked towards the house as Bella walked out. Lena saw the way he was looking at Bella and slightly unnoticeably rolled her eyes, she knew that Jacob was going to hate her because Bella did. Not that Lena cared though because she didn't need him or necessarily want him if he was attracted to Isabella.

Charlie looked at Bella as she walked up to them "Bella, you remember Billy Black?"

Bella smiled awkwardly at the wheel-chair bound man but said nothing since she really didn't remember him. "Glad you're finally here. Charlie hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming."

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