Chapter Ten

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Act One: The Arrival
Chapter Ten: The Almost Accident

Lena sat in Biology her day had been pretty uneventful she was surprised to see Edward sitting in his seat since his car wasn't there earlier, Alice smiled happily at the blonde talking quietly to her "so I spoke to Carlisle and he said he remembered meeting your mother and to say hello to her, whenever you spoke to her next."

Lena smiled back at the vampire, "okay then Alice, will do, she'll like to hear that her old friend is doing well." Lauren and Angela shared a surprised look at how easy it was for Lena to befriend not just one Cullen but the lot of them minus Edward in just over a week.

Her eyes landed on Edward and Bella and Lena rolled her eyes at how enamored Isabella was with a boy she's barely spoken to, it would be different if they were mates, but they're not, Isabella Swan is his blood singer, which is very different to a mate.

Alice seeing the look on the blonde's face, followed her line of sight and furrowed her brows, why was she looking at the two of them like that? She had seen Bella as Edward's mate (or so she thought) in the first vision she had of the brunette. "What is it Lena?" she asked quietly her curiosity getting the better of her.

Lena bit her lip slightly wondering how she should word this without straight out saying that she knew the truth about them just yet. "It's just that I've seen that look on her face before, and it's not healthy to be so obsessed with someone you've barely known a week... well there are certain expectations but Isabella and Edward do not fit them at all."

That just made Alice look at her with even more questions, but the bell signaling the end of class rang before she could ask what the blonde meant by that. Lena walked out of Biology with Lauren and Angela, the blonde smirked at Lena. "damn Lena, it's been just a little over a week and you have already gotten four out of the five Cullen siblings to talk to you."

Lena laughed as they stopped at her locker, "what can I say Lauren... I just have that effect on people." the trio laughed as Lena put her things into her locker, Bella for once didn't even glare at the blonde too wrapped up in the fact that Edward was finally back and she could sink her nails into him.

Lauren rolled her eyes at the sight of Isabella and Edward making Lena follow her line of sight, she sighed, seeing the slightly hidden obsession in the girl's brown eyes, "that is so not gonna end well, I'm calling it now." she focused slightly and saw a single red bond between the two that meant blood singer. (okay so I decided to give Lena a few powers from being a Legacy of Aphrodite and bond sight is one of them but only if she focuses.) (still deciding on what else but it will only be like maybe two or three others.)

She shook her head clearing her mind so she didn't see the bond anymore and looped her arm through both Lauren's and Angela's as they made their way to the other two girls' lockers, after that they split up because they all had different classes next.

Lena walked into the girl's locker room to change into her gym uniform, for PE. Rosalie gave her fellow blonde a small smile, "so I heard that your mom knows Carlisle..."

The blonde witch laughed "yeah turns out she does, I wasn't expecting it to be honest."

Rosalie nodded at her "yeah well I wouldn't have either." after that, the class was separated into teams, they were playing volleyball on one side of the gym and Basketball on the other.

The rest of the class went by quickly, at the end of class everyone had changed back into their normal clothes and the bell rang, signally the end of the period, Lena walked out of the gym with Rosalie.

The two blondes went their separate ways after arriving at Lena's locker, and Lauren shook her head with a laugh, "I still can't believe that you managed to get the ice queen to actually talk to you."

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