Chapter Fourteen

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Act One: The Arrival
Chapter Fourteen: Phil Visits Forks

Hearing what Lena said made Alice furrow her brow, "What?" there was a confused tone in her voice, the vampire looked over at the blonde who just had a slight smirk on her face as she faced forward like she didn't just say that. Does that mean that Bella isn't Edwards mate?

"Lena... what does that mean?"

"Exactly what you think it means," Lena said since she had heard Alice's thoughts.

Alice's eyes widened slightly. 'You can read my mind.'

"There you go Ali, you're catching on."

'You know about us... and your something supernatural, that's why Carlisle said that about your family.'

"Yep, I was debating on how long to draw it out, but decided to drop some hints, so what exactly did he say about my family?"

"How do you know that she isn't? And just that he had met a few of your ancestors in his life and that they were good allies to have, because of their sway in our world.'

Lena was talking lowly so that they wouldn't be overheard, "Because of a gift from my grandmother I can see bonds to an extent and their bond is red, which means blood singer, not mate, mate bonds are gold. And well he's not wrong my grandfather is very influential and has powerful friends, we can talk more about this later."

Alice gave a slight nod to the blonde witch they would talk more when they could talk freely without being overheard.

Edward who had been listening to them talk turned his head slightly and glared at the blonde, who he thought didn't know what she was talking about since he couldn't read her mind.

After Biology the rest of the day had gone by pretty quickly and if was time to go home, Lena was excited, because she would see her dad that afternoon. Lauren had dropped Lena off and she headed inside, and Charlie was home early that day, she smiled at the man, "Hey Charlie, how was your day?"

Charlie smiled at the blonde, "Lena, hey it was okay, I noticed your car was missing, and that your friend dropped you off what happened?"

"There was an incident yesterday and now my car is in the shop but I'm handling it."

"Oh is there anything I could do to help?"

Lena shook her head, "No, at least not at this point in time, I am still trying to figure everything out." she knew that she couldn't tell him the whole truth of what happened yet since she couldn't prove that Isabella had been the one behind it.

"Oh well if there is anything I can do just let me know."

Lena smiled, "thank you, Charlie." the man nodded at her. And the blonde made her way up to her room and started on her homework. She had just finished when her dad texted her, saying that he had just stopped off at his motel room to drop his stuff off and check-in, and then he was heading over to Charlie's.

Lena squealed happily and headed downstairs to let Charlie know just in case her dad hadn't told him since they had talked a little bit since the beginning of Lena and Isabella coming to stay with him.

"Hey, Charlie, I don't know if he's talked to you but my dad is coming by here in a little while and I just wanted to make sure you were aware of it."

The brunette man smiled at the blonde teenager, "Thank you for the warning but your father did indeed inform me about this earlier today."

"Okay awesome, I thought he might mention it but just in case he didn't I wanted to tell you." that was when Isabella stomped into the house a glare set on her face as she ignored both Lena and Charlie and went up to her room slamming the door closed.

Charlie looked from the stairs back to the blonde, "wow what's her problem?"

Lena bit back a smirk knowing exactly why the dull brunette was pissed off, but she knew that by the end of the week, the man would hear the rumors about his daughter, "someone started a few rumors at school, and Isabella is not happy about it..." Lena wanted to tell him that they weren't just rumors but then that would elude to her being the one that started the rumors which technically she was not, the blonde was just the source, not the one that spread the rumors.

Charlie nodded at that, "Oh okay."

The doorbell rang interrupting the conversation and Lena grinned knowing that it was her dad. The blonde ran toward the door and opened it and squealed again hugging her dad, she really was a daddy's girl, that much was obvious. "Dad! I missed you."

Phil laughed and hugged his daughter back, "Hey sweetheart, I missed you too." Charlie was standing by the living room door watching the moment between the father-daughter duo with a smile, he slightly wished that Bella was like that with him. Yeah he wasn't there for much of her childhood but that wasn't his fault, Renee had bad-mouthed him and Forks to Bella from a young age and projected all of her hatred, of the small rainy town to the young impressionable child and made her think that way as well.

Lena let her dad into the house, she already felt better, the karma that was coming toward Isabella and now her dad was here, which just made everything better, "all right, dad, officially meet Charlie, face-to-face, and Charlie my dad Phil, now you too can talk and get to know each other and I am going to make dinner." then she shooed them off into the living room and turned and walked into the kitchen with a smirk on her face, she knew that her dad was bisexual and could possibly be attracted to Charlie, but she didn't know about Charlie though, but she would see over the course of her father's stay in Forks. But first, she had to convince him to leave Renee.

A little bit of a shorter chapter but I did get it done okay so for the next chapter we will get Lena talking to her dad about leaving Bella's mom XD. Maybe Lena talking to her mom about telling Angela, Lauren and Jessica about her being a witch and all.

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter (: the next one will hopefully be a little longer I mean 1.1K words isn't bad I'll aim for longer next time (also I'll try not to procrastinate getting it finished like I'm very known for doing XD)

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