Chapter Thirteen

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Act One: The Arrival

Chapter Thirteen: Rumor Aftermath

As promised as soon as he hung up the phone with Lena, Phil booked the next flight he could to Seattle so that he could go and check on his daughter.

Renee had walked in just as he had finished purchasing the ticket and wrinkled her nose up in disgust when she saw where he was going. "Why are you going there?"

Phil resisted the urge to roll his eyes at her tone, "I am going to go and check up on my daughter."

A smile slipped onto her face, hearing his words, she's just as delusional as her daughter which is probably where Isabella gets it from because she completely disregarded his actual daughter, and though he was talking about Isabella who in his wife's eyes, he should consider her his daughter. "Oh okay." then she walked out of the room.

Phil furrowed his brow thinking that was a little strange but brushed it off as he packed a couple of bags, not knowing exactly how long he would be there but he would be there as long as Lena needed him to be that was his daughter, she came first. He only had her go to Forks with Isabella because he thought it would be a good bonding experience for them but now he realized that Lena was right and it probably wouldn't happen.

It didn't take long for the man to get to the airport, he knew from the arrangements for Lena to stay at Charlie's that there were only two bedrooms, and now the renovated attic so while he was waiting on his flight to be called Phil called and rented a room at the motel that was in Forks he rented it out for two weeks to start out with and would see what was needed after that.

Phil waited on his flight while reading a book.


Lena smirked as she got up the next morning, she had a text from her dad telling her that he would be in Forks, sometime that afternoon, which meant she could put part two of her plan into motion but for now she had to get ready for school it was going to be a good day, she just knew it.

The blonde got ready for school and made herself some breakfast, she ate and then finished getting ready and waited for Lauren to pick her up since her car was still in the shop.

Lena climbed into the passenger seat after Lauren had let her know that she was outside, a smirk on her face once again, "hey Laur."

"Hey, Lena." The other blonde replied back.

"Today is going to be a good day, a bitch is gonna learn."

Lauren smirked back at Lena, "Oh yeah Jesse left early for school this morning so she could get it rolling and the majority if not the whole school would be aware by the time that the bitch got to school."

Lena just smirked, as Lauren pulled out of her driveway and made her way to school.

The blonde duo made their way toward where Jess was leaning against her car wearing a vicious smirk on her face, Jess turned toward Lena as they approached "It's done, started it as soon as I got here it will be all over the school by the time she gets here since she almost always gets here late.

Yelena matched the smirk Jess gave her, "Good maybe this will teach the bitch not to mess with me anymore." they were just waiting on Angela now before they walked into the school.

The Cullens had heard the rumor as soon as they arrived at school it was all everyone was talking about, Rosalie gave Edward a look "See I told you she wasn't going to be good for us, that right there just proves it."

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