Chapter Eleven

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Act One: The Arrival
Chapter Eleven: The Biology Field Trip


Lena stood with Lauren, Jessica, Angela, Mike, Tyler, and Eric, she was talking to the girls while the three boys were just staring over at Bella, they were going on a field trip with the science department and Mr. Molina was in charge and gathering up the permission slips.

Lena rolled her eyes, at the boys as she spoke quietly to the three girls, "I swear she full-out admitted to me that she tampered with the breaks of Tyler's van, trying to kill me, I wish I had been recording when she barged into my room and said it because literally, no one else besides the three of you would actually believe it without proof, she's the daughter of the police chief for gods sake."

Lauren gave her fellow blonde a look "damn Lena, she's fucking crazy."

"She's more than fucking crazy Lauren, she's delusional, she thinks that I am the root of all her problems... like bitch I avoid you as much as I possibly can how can I cause you problems?"

Angela gave the blonde witch a surprised look "Wow Lena, I cannot believe she would actually admit that..."

Lena rolled her eyes, "she knows that without proof, no one would believe that Charlie Swan's daughter would do something fucking illegal."

Jess got a wicked smirk on her face, as she looked at Lena, she cracked her knuckles, "all right then we ruin her social reputation then, what kind of rumor do you want me to start spreading?"

Lena smiled at her friends, "Oh Jess, I've got something that would definitely ruin her reputation but we're going to hold off just a little bit longer, before she spread it let her think she's got the upper hand here when she really doesn't."

Jess nodded at Lena, "You just give the word and it'll be all over the school by the end of the day and all over town by the end of the week."

Lena really did love her new friends and she knew that with Jess being a demigoddess daughter of Pheme that whatever she told the gossip queen would indeed be all over school by the end of the day and town not too long after that. She smirked internally at the exact thing that she was going to use, Lena figured Isabella already thinks she was the cause of her problems why not make it true? But she was going to give it one more chance to leave her alone before she stooped to that level.

Jessica scoffed seeing Mike make his way toward Bella, "Seriously what does she have that I don't?"

"He's blind Jess, you are so much prettier than she is."

Lauren smiled at the brunette, "Lena is right Jess, he's not worth you pining, Eric to Ang."

Jess smiled at the blonde, "Take your own advice Laur, Tyler too."

"Yeah Laur, trust me you can do so much better than someone who finds Isabella attractive, all three of you can."

Jess noticed the look in Lena's eye, "Oh Lena I see that look in your eye... spill what are you thinking?"

Lena smirked, "I'm gonna it one last chance to leave me alone and if not then I'll tell you the rumor that's not actually a rumor, it happened and you can spread it around and then I'm going to try and convince my dad to divorce it and maybe get him to come and visit me or I might do that first and then the other part in person."

"Oh that's petty Lena, I love it." The brunette gossip grinned, "Also can't wait to find out what that 'rumor' is, I'll bet it's good."

"Oh it's juicy Jess, that's for sure." then they were called to board the buses, and the four girls got onto their bus, Lauren and Lena in one seat with Angela and Jess in the one in front of them.

A little while later they pulled up to the greenhouse and Mr. Molina lead them off the bus, seeing the other students exit bus one, the bus driver opened the doors of bus two and the students exited it as well and then they all walked behind Mr. Molina toward the greenhouse.

The four girls were once again stuck together, listening to what Mr. Molina was telling them. They all looked bored but it got them out of school for the day so it was worth a little boredom for that.

Alice glided up to the four girls, "HI Lena!"

The blonde witch smiled at the vampire, "Hi Alice."

"How are you feeling today?"

"All right Alice, I'm perfectly fine."

Alice beamed at the blonde "Okay just wanted to say Hi and see how you were feeling, I'll talk to you later." then she gilded away just as quickly as she approached. Isabella had noticed Alice talking to Lena and seethed because none of them had made an effort to talk to her but all of them had spoken to Lena, multiple times. But that was all forgotten momentarily when Edward approached her.

The Legacy of Aphrodite rubbed her head slightly feeling the feeling of someone trying to force their way past her shield, she just slammed it up even harder, the spell let her control if she wants to let it down just a little or amp up the power of it. She noticed Eward wince slightly as she did that and smirked to herself, so Edward was a telepath then. She wondered what other powers the Cullen family had, she would find out later, she decided.

Jessica noticed the slight discomfort on Lena's face and the direction she was looking and muttered to the blonde witch, "Yeah that's annoying as hell, luckily for me my brain is chaotic as fuck and he stays out of it for the most part because it gives him a headache... never thought I'd actually be thankful for my ADHD and dyslexic brain. "

Lena snorted, she thankfully only being a legacy didn't suffer from ADHD or Dyslexia. "I have a shield well it's not natural but it works and I can lower it or amp up the power, I slammed it up hard on him."


Lauren gave them a look, "What are you two whispering about?"

"Can't tell you..." Lena said, "Not really our place to say, and could also get us in trouble." Jess nodded at Lena as if to say, 'What she said.'

Lauren nodded at the two she understood that. "Okay later then."

Lena nodded at her, she would talk to her mom about telling her friends the truth about the witch aspect of her heritage, she knew that she could trust the three of them, she didn't know what it was but there was something telling her that they could be trusted.

And her instincts were rarely wrong.

Isabella was chasing after Edward who had walked past the four girls not even glancing at them, and she shoved Lena with her shoulder as she rushed past them trying to catch up to Edward.

Jess and Lauren steadied the blonde witch making Lena roll her eyes. Angela looked at Lena, "are you okay?"

Lena nodded "Yeah, Ang I'm fine some bitches just need to watch where they're walking."

Definitely leaning towards Phil and Charlie if I'm being honest. Hope you guys like the chapter.

Can you guess the rumor that is actually true and not a rumor that Lena knows about Bella? I want to see if any of you can figure it out XD.

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